Cold callers not welcome in Dolwyd

From left: Tobi Smith, Trading Standards Enforcement Officer; Audrey Parry, Community Councillor; Jill Buerdsell, PCSO and Ifan Hughes MBE, Divisional Crime Reduction Officer.

Cold callers will receive short shrift in Dolwyd as the whole village has joined a scheme run by Safer Conwy to cut down on doorstep cold callers.

Following success in other areas, Dolwyd is now a designated Cold Calling Controlled Zone.

The zone covers all households in the area and has been set up to deter cold callers and rogue traders.  Residents have received an information pack containing notices to be displayed on front doors; these are supported with high-visibility street signs.


Councillor Philip Evans, Conwy’s Cabinet Member for Regulation, said, “We are justifiably proud of how successful the scheme has been since its inception in 2008. Through dedication and hard work by all involved, we have implemented more than 1,000 cold calling controlled zones and contributed to a significant reduction in rogue trader incidents in the County Borough.”


Ifan Hughes MBE, Divisional Crime Reduction Officer for North Wales Police, working with the Community Safety Partnership said, “Since the inception of the Crime and Disorder Bill, Conwy Council has worked in partnership with North Wales Police to ensure that residents feel that they live and work in a safe environment. Setting up cold calling controlled zones has proved that the bogus callers are not welcomed in the area. The initiative works and we will endeavour to increase the number of cold calling zones throughout Conwy.”


Police Community Support Officer for Dolwyd and Glan Conwy, Jill Buerdsell, said, “This will send out a clear message to the rogue traders that residents of Dolwyd do not welcome cold callers. If residents receive a cold call they should record as many details as possible, including business names and report them to North Wales Police on 101 or Conwy Trading Standards on(01492) 575220.”


For a full list of cold calling controlled zones in the County, visit


COLD CALLERS – If in doubt keep them out!