Search on for next-gen theatre stars

Ar y Stryd leader Gwennan Mair Jones from Frân Wen theatre company

Anglesey theatre company leading the search for the next generation of Welsh theatre.

Sbectol, Fran Wen Theatr

North Wales’ streets will be the setting for Ar y Stryd (On the Street) from Anglesey’s Frân Wen. The programme aims to find enthusiastic young people who are interested in the arts, and give them the opportunity to share ideas and be mentored by professional artists.

“These sessions will provide them with a unique opportunity to gain first-hand experience of theatre development – from the design process right through to a professional stage production,” said Ar y Stryd leader Gwennan Mair Jones.

“The young people can try their hand at writing, designing, sound and lighting, acting and marketing – whatever field they are interested in. We will host sessions with professional artists and technicians, and together we will create a theatre production which will be staged on various streets in North Wales at the end of July,” added Gwennan.

Ar y Stryd leader Gwennan Mair Jones from Frân Wen theatre company
Ar y Stryd leader Gwennan Mair Jones from Frân Wen theatre company

Ar y Stryd aims to encourage and support those who are hoping for a career in the creative industry. Frân Wen has always aimed at ensuring that children and young people are involved in all aspects of the company’s work.

One of the professional artists on board is actor, and lead singer of the band Y Reu, Iwan Fôn: “We’re looking for young people who enjoy all types of creative theatre work, be it acting, singing, technology, lighting, directing – all vital elements of any successful production.”

Talking about the new project, Iola Ynyr, Frân Wen’s Artistic Director said:

“Young people are the future of Welsh theatre. Nurturing new talent and developing innovative Welsh language writers is a priority for Frân Wen.

“There is a rich well of talent here in North Wales and it’s our duty to channel them in the right direction – combining our experience with their fresh ideas to create productions of the best possible quality.”

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