Wrexham care home residents go back to school for royal celebration

Pendine Park residents invited to St Joseph school to celebrate the Queens 90th Birthday. Pictured are James Roberts, Margaret Newell, Pendine resident and Logan Hurst .


Residents of a Wrexham care home have gone back to school – as guests of honour of for a party to celebrate Her Majesty the Queen’s 90th birthday.

Students of St Joseph’s Catholic and Anglican High School made sure the residents from Pendine Park’s Hillbury House were royally entertained.

Hillbury House resident, Margaret Newell, 95, said: “I have really enjoyed the day, it’s been wonderful. The children made us feel like we were one of them which was so nice.

“All of them have been very polite and we have all enjoyed a wonderful party for the Queen’s birthday.”

Fellow resident Cissie Hilton, 98, added: “It’s been lovely, really nice. It’s nice to celebrate the Queen’s birthday. We have had lovely food and been entertained with some fabulous songs.”

St Joseph’s Year 10 student, Phoenix Evans, 15, said: “It’s been a spectacular party. We enjoyed getting everything ready and I have had great fun talking to the residents.

“We have learned a lot about their lives and what things were like when they and the Queen were much younger.”

Fellow students, Logan Hurst, 15, and James Roberts, also 15, had a great time chatting to residents during the party.

Logan said: “It’s been a brilliant experience and I’ve really enjoyed it. We have been to Hillbury House for some events and it’s really good to talk to the residents. It’s good seeing them in school having a good time.”

James added: “It’s been good celebrating the Queen’s birthday together and talking to the older people about what they like and their memories of the Queen.”

It was a very special day according to Andrew Mayfield, the school’s head of technology and Year 10 Skills Group.

He said: “We were delighted to welcome the residents of Hillbury House Care Home to school for what has been a wonderful occasion.

“Our students wanted to invite the residents as part of their ongoing community project. Students have been going to Hillbury Care Home and organising bingo, beetle drives and boccia events.

“All our students have played a part in organising today’s party and the school band entertained the residents while students joined residents for the party.”

He added: “It’s a brilliant experience for them and they have really enjoyed talking to the elderly residents and sharing stories with them. It’s been delightful to see very different generations socialising together.”

Acting head teacher Chris Wilkinson was delighted with the event.

He said: ‘It’s lovely to see the elderly residents in school and enjoying a really good event. Students have been raising funds for the Royal British Legion and this event follows on from that.

“I’m pleased we have such a wonderful relationship with Hillbury care Home and our students are benefitting from the time they spend with residents.”

It was a message echoed by Hillbury House activities co-ordinator Anita Moran.

She said: “Our residents were made to feel extra special as they were guests of honour and sat at the top table.

“The school’s pupils and staff have been wonderful and everyone has been so kind. Our residents have really enjoyed the flag waving and singing along to the school band. It’s been an amazing day.”