Local adult hospice gets animated!

Welsh TV presenter and producer, Nia Parry.

“Hello – We’re St David’s Hospice” is a new short animation from the local adult hospice based in Llandudno.

Working in conjunction with View Creative in Rhos on Sea, the Hospice has produced a colourful, two minute bilingual animation, illustrating the work of the Hospice.

The leading character has a bubbly persona with the voiceover provided by Welsh TV presenter and producer, Nia Parry.

Nia Parry, originally from Rhos on Sea said: “It has been great to work with St David’s Hospice. They asked if I would provide the voice over for their project and as a result created a little fun animated character of me. I love it! She is very adventurous – even takes part in a charity skydive!”

“On a serious note, it is aimed at raising awareness of the important role the Hospice plays in local communities of Conwy, Gwynedd and Anglesey.

“The message is strong – it is a local hospice, providing specialist end of life care for local people and without the community’s help they would not be able to offer the wonderful care services free of charge.”

Gareth Lawn, Digital Creative Lead added: “View Creative has been delighted to work alongside St David’s Hospice on their new promotional video.

“We were inspired by the way in which the Hospice changes the lives of people in our community, and we worked hard to ensure that their dedication and commitment came to life in this digital piece of work.”

Marie Lidgett, St David’s Hospice Communications Officer said: “This is a first for St David’s Hospice and something we are very proud of. It has been great to see the drawings come to life.

“It’s a very upbeat video, taking a fresh look at who we are and what we do for the community.

“In addition it highlights the funding issues we have as a charity, plus encourages everyone to get involved.

“Many thanks to Nia who has given up her time free of charge, to provide the voice over and to View Creative for their innovative approach”

The first public viewing of the animation will be at the St David’s Hospice Summer Fete (Abbey Rd, Llandudno) on Saturday, July 30, from 1pm, after which it will feature throughout social media and on the Hospice’s website www.stdavidshospice.org.uk.