Hair-raising event brings in funds for local special needs school


A prominent businesswoman got to grips with a challenge to raise funds for a special needs school in Caernarfon.

Paula Foskett, who runs One. a salons in Caernarfon and Llangefni said: ” Ysgol Pendalar wanted to build a outdoor recreational area for its students. I was approached by Bethan Fon Roberts, whose son goes to the school who asked me  and my husband Jonathan Foskett, joint managing director at Harlech Food Service  if we would arrange a fundraising evening with herself.

“Bethan worked tirelessly with myself. She sent letters to all local businesses gaining more and more support.”

Harlech Foodservice sponsored the event supplying all the food and soft drinks for the charity.

 Paula added: “My brother Neil Sexton, a manager with Experian, promised match funding of a £1000 to the charity and was very kindly given a charity day by his company to come and help and he worked hard alongside One. a’s team and he also threw in another £100 out of his own pocket for fizz which was served by doormen in pink dickie bows to finish it off!”

HSBC in Caernarfon matched funded £500,  thanks to Sarah McGee who gave up her time and ran charity squares and raffle tickets to help raise money.

Paula decided to  transport the One .a salon and team of staff to Ysgol 
Pendalar where they set up a salon at the school with all proceeds to the school.

She said: “On the evening we offered lots of lovely hair and beauty treatment to ticket holders at an added cost and the school looked like a real salon when we had finished setting up our temporary salon – we had a  a massage area, hair cutting, waxing, makeup, shellac manicures and much more each and every One.a team member was  fully booked on the evening and every penny went to the school.

“The event was huge and we achieved well over our expectations, people were so generous. The evening was then given TV coverage from Heno, so we were really excited!”

The night before the Pendalar boys came to One.a salon for free trendy haircuts so they were ready to strut their stuff!

Paula added: “During the day the Pendalar students and helpers  were given makeovers by myself and the rest of the One. a  20 strong team of girls who worked really hard all day and evening and I would like to personally thank the One.a girls for making the night the success it was, they are very committed and talented!

“The generosity of local business was overwhelming. We are going to continue supporting the school and would like to think in a year or two we could ask local business to help again. Due to their generosity we were able to sell raffle tickets and run charity squares with amazing prices making even more money.

“We then had even more good news we had local musicians over to join us, Sioned Webb, a very talented pianist and a selection of her pupils, Arfon Wyn’s band’s young talent, a duo of amazing harpists and even Elin Fflur singing live!”

The event raised £4,775.05 for Ysgol Pendalar.