Ghost gets a spirited welcome at Venue Cymru

Andy Moss & Carolyn Maitland - cPamela Raith

I was very excited when heading through the pouring rain to see Ghost at Venue Cymru in Llandudno on the opening night.

Jacqui Dubois and company – cMatt Martin

One of my favorite films of all time, starring the late great Patrick Swayze, despite all the supernatural elements, it is at heart, a story of true love, which transcends all.

The story revolves around banker Sam and his girlfriend Molly, Sam whilst loving Molly with all his heart, cannot bring himself to tell her he loves her and when she tells him, he responds with the famous line ‘Ditto’.

When Sam is killed in a street shooting, Molly is left bereft and herein lies the conundrum we would all like to believe, is there an afterlife and can she ever see her Sam again?

On the first night, the lead role was played by understudy Sam Ferriday, who would normally have been playing the part of Carl. And what a fine job he did, I am full of admiration for someone who has to learn two roles and still pull off a very convincing job.

Molly, played by Carolyn Maitland, has a fantastic singing voice, that really tugs at the heartstrings. She gave a stellar performance as the grieving partner, unconvinced at first by the scheming psychic Oda Mae Brown, played with relish by Tarisha Romick.

Oda Mae of course, has some of the best lines in the show, and steals almost every scene she is in, but Tarisha Romick’ comedic timing is excellent and brings light relief from all the sadness.

I would also like to give a mention to the subway ghost, played by Garry Lee Netley, a far sexier, yet still frightening phantom than what we saw in the film, he was wonderful.

Ghost can be seen at Venue Cymru until this Saturday, March 11, and tickets are selling fast so make sure you don’t miss out.

The show ultimately leaves you in tears, but also uplifted, and brought the audience to its feet at the end of the performance, a great night at the theatre.