Busy period for Bro Ffestiniog Swimming Club

Bro Ffestiniog Swimming Club
Members of the Bro Ffestiniog Swimming Club following the sponsored swim.

It’s been a busy few months for the members of the Bro Ffestiniog Swimming Club – with a 24-hours sponsored swim to their first ever community gala.

Bro Ffestiniog Swimming Club
Members of the Bro Ffestiniog Swimming Club following the sponsored swim.

As thanks for the hard work and dedication of the youngsters, the 38 members recently enjoyed a fun activity day at local Ffestiniog attractions with lunch at Antur Stiniog before a an afternoon at Zip World and the Zip Lines and on to Bounce Below.


Bro Ffestiniog Pool Manager and Coach of the Swimming Club, Paul Williams said: “I couldn’t be any prouder of these amazing children. Working and watching them improve is an absolute honour. Seeing them win the recent swimming gala was the highlight of my coaching career.”


As a reward for all their efforts Paul arranged an activity day for all 38 children. He added: “I would like to thank the parents for their continued support, and the Bro Ffestiniog Community for their generosity. They should be very proud of these fantastic little swimmers.”


This follows the Bro Ffestiniog Swimming Club’s recent 24-hour sponsored swimming challenge where children from six to 15 swam an amazing 4,380 lengths of the pool, that’s a total of 75 miles.  They managed to raise a staggering £3,272.40, which will be invested back into the club to improve the development of local swimmers.


On top of this outstanding achievement, Bro Ffestiniog Swimming Club also won their first ever Community Gala, which demonstrates how far the swimmers have come over the last three years.


Councillor Mair Rowlands, Gwynedd Council’s Cabinet Member for Healthy Gwynedd added: “It is great to see the swimming club at Bro Ffestiniog doing so well. Many congratulations to them on their recent achievements. It is evident that they have come a long way, and with the new equipment, who knows how far they can go?”


For information about the swimming club, contact the Bro Ffestiniog Swimming Pool on 01766 831066