Eagles Meadow shoppers dig deep for Help for Heroes

Debenhams at Eagles Meadow raising funds for Help the Heroes and staff member Rhys Llloyd is pictured with the mascot.

A crack squad of fundraisers at a department store have been raising money for the Help for Heroes charity.

Debenhams at Eagles Meadow raising funds for Help the Heroes and staff member Rhys Llloyd is pictured with the mascot.

The team at Debenhams at the Eagles Meadow Shopping Centre in Wrexham collected more than £1,100 with a week of in-store fundraising activities.

According to Debenhams sales manager Tina Harris, the generosity of Wrexham shoppers was amazing.

She said: “We had collection points on all our tills and customers were politely asked whether they would like to round up their purchases to the nearest pound in support of the charity.

“In fact we had very few people decline with some customers donating £5 and even £10 to the charity, it really was amazing.

“We also had our Hero Bear in store for a week helping raise awareness of the charity and collecting donations.

“We also have men’s T-shirts that have been designed by Help for Heroes with a donation made to the charity from every item sold.”

She added: “Staff also held a cake bake sale and we sold Help for Heroes wrist bands and badges with all the proceeds going to the charity.

“We are delighted with the amount we have raised and our contribution to Debenhams’ national total of money raised for what is a very worthwhile cause.

“However, we could never have been so successful had it not been for the generosity of our amazing Wrexham customers.”

Help for Heroes was launched as a charity in October 2007 and supports serving and reservist, male and female, personnel injured or who become ill as a direct result of their military service.

In the last year Help for Heroes awarded 1,120 grants to individuals to the value of £2.6m and granted £31m to more than 60 specialist charity partners who deliver support on behalf of beneficiaries from all conflicts.

Eagles Meadow Shopping Centre manager Kevin Critchley was delighted to see the fundraising for Help for Heroes.

He said: “We should never forget the sacrifice made by members of our armed forces in conflicts around the world.

“It’s fantastic Debenhams, as a company, are supporting such an important charity and I wasn’t surprised to hear how generous Wrexham shoppers have been.

“It seems whenever there are charity collections for any good cause the people of Wrexham step up-to-the-plate.”

He added: “To raise such a wonderful amount of money through a month of fundraising activity is amazing and I congratulate everyone at Debenhams on their efforts in support of Help for Heroes.”

To learn more about Help for Heroes visit www.helpforheroes.org.uk and for the range of Help for Heroes garments at Debenhams visit www.debenhams.com/help-for-heroes