Ifor Williams Trailers makes it a happy 70th birthday for festival

Ifor Williams Trailers are sponsoring a stage at the upcoming Llangollen International Eisteddfod held at the Llangollen Pavillion. Pictured: Ifor Williams Trailers Joanne Williams and Tecwyn Lewis along with Eisteddfod Chair Dr Rhys Davies outside the pavillion where the sponsored stand will be situated

Europe’s leading trailer maker has boosted the 70th anniversary celebrations of Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod.

Ifor Williams Trailers are sponsoring a stage at the upcoming Llangollen International Eisteddfod held at the Llangollen Pavillion. Pictured: Ifor Williams Trailers Joanne Williams and Tecwyn Lewis along with Eisteddfod Chair Dr Rhys Davies outside the pavillion where the sponsored stand will be situated

The Flintshire-based company is sponsoring one of the main outside stages at the festival where Wales meets the world in an annual melting pot of music, colour and culture.

The week-long event, which was founded in 1947 in the aftermath of the Second World War to create peace and harmony, gets underway on Monday, July 3.

News of the sponsorship by Ifor Williams Trailers, which has factories in Cynwyd, Corwen and Deeside, was music to the years of festival chairman Dr Rhys Davies.

Dr Davies said: “It is a big year in the history of the Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod and our founding principles of peace and harmony are as strong as ever as we look forward to celebrating our 70th anniversary.

“We are very grateful to Ifor Williams Trailers and our other sponsors for their invaluable support which will enable us to put on a spectacular festival in this historic year for us.

“It is a truly magical event and what makes it special I think is the fact that it’s put on in a small town by a small band of people.

“We have some fantastic concerts and have slightly more competitors than we’ve had in previous years

“Organising the event costs a lot of money and the sponsorship we receive is a huge benefit. It’s fantastic.

“Ifor Williams Trailers is now a highly successful, globally recognised brand – they’re sold across Europe and as far afield as Australia and New Zealand. Their international reputation makes them a great fit for us.”

Among the highlights on the Globe Stage 2017 being sponsored by Ifor Williams Trailers will be the performances of children’s choirs firm Estonia and San Francisco along with dancers from Northern Ireland and Albania.

Also singing there will be the Tenovus Cancer Care Choir from Wrexham and  a Chester-based flamenco troupe who’ll be bring a taste of Spain to the proceedings.

Tecwyn Lewis, the health and safety manager at Ifor Williams Trailers, who lives in Llangollen, has been coming to the Eisteddfod since he was a child.

This year his son, Harry, six, will be presenting the Message of Peace and Goodwill from the Eisteddfod stage on the Tuesday evening with fellow pupils of the town’s Ysgol y Gwernant.

He said: “I’m very pleased that Ifor Williams Trailers is sponsoring this year’s Eisteddfod and as a family we are particularly excited because Harry will be doing the Message for the World. I’m really looking forward.”

Another member of staff who can’t wait is costing engineer Joanna Williams, from nearby Glyndyfrdwy, who as fond memories of the Eisteddfod.

She said: “I am very familiar with the Eisteddfod because when I was in primary school and then when I went to Ysgol Dinas Brân we used to do the ushering and sell the programmes on the field.

“It’s a wonderful event and I love it and the parade of competitors through the town is just brilliant.”