Mochdre Business Forum re-launched with support from Colwyn BID

Colwyn BID re-launch of the Mochdre Business Forum at Quinton Hazell business park. Pictured are Syd Gaskin and Anna Openshaw with business owners from Mochdre.

Business leaders in Mochdre are joining forces to revitalise the town to bring in more shoppers and trade.

Mochdre Business Forum has been re-launched, backed by Colwyn Business Improvement District (BID), with regular breakfast meetings at Quinton Hazell Enterprise Parc.

The latest event, which included bacon butties all round, was attended by more than 20 locally-based business leaders.

Colwyn BID re-launch of the Mochdre Business Forum at Quinton Hazell business park. Pictured are Syd Gaskin and Anna Openshaw with business owners from Mochdre.

The Forum aims to bring together the 80-plus companies operating in Mochdre, to share their successes and tackle common issues while building a mutually supportive network.

Chairing the meeting was Syd Gaskin, who has run family firm Gaskins Carpets and Beds on Mochdre Business Park for the past 20 years.

Among the topics raised were improved signs for the town and industrial areas so visitors can find their way around, along with broadband issues, trimming overgrown trees and hedges, a business directory, parking issues, recycling waste, street cleaning, the use of CCTV to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour, plus dementia-friendly awareness training.

Syd said: “The Forum is a great way for business people in Mochdre to get to know each other – sometimes we don’t know ourselves what services are on offer on our doorstep. Obviously it’s always good to shop locally and I’d much rather deal with a tradesperson and business that is close by, rather than deal with a company elsewhere.

“The Forum was co-founded by Tony Earley who has been a stalwart over the years and ensured that it has survived. However, despite our best efforts the numbers have dropped  –  we would like to see more people come along to the breakfast meetings to discuss issues that we can tackle together, using financial support from Colwyn BID and other grants.

“For example, there is £30,000 available from BID for projects that will make the town more attractive, bring in shoppers and visitors, or enable companies to work more effectively. We have asked for ideas from Mochdre businesses on what they would like to see – it could be new benches and flower planters to a road improvement,” added Syd, who is also vice chairman of Colwyn BID.

The organisation – the biggest BID in the UK – is a not-for-profit social enterprise where firms pay a levy and the cash raised is used for projects to increase trade in Old Colwyn, Colwyn Bay, Mochdre and Rhos-on-Sea.

BID project manager Anna Openshaw said: “It’s very important that businesses at a local level get together to discuss what needs doing in their area to improve trade for them and bring in more customers – the BID team are here to help them make that happen.

“We realised that the Forum needed some financial help with the business breakfasts, to encourage more people to come along. We’ve also paid for some mugs and pens to be printed, to get the word out about the Forum.

“I was delighted to see such a strong turn out to the event and I hope that more business people come along to events in the coming months.”

Among the founder members of the Forum are Kazimierz Macko, who runs Blackmarsh Garage and MOT centre, plus financial advisor Tony Earley, an Associate Partner with St James’s Place Wealth Management, who is based in the Quinton Hazell offices.

Kazimierz said: “It’s very useful to get together with other business people to talk about what’s happening in Mochdre and what we can do to improve the area – we often have common problems that can be fixed.”

Tony added: “There are always issues that come up and it is good to hear the Colwyn BID is now tackling some of them, such as signs for Mochdre so visitors can find their way round, and to remind people what’s available on their doorstep.

“Getting people along regularly is the hardest part, so the fact that BID is now supporting us with bacon butties is excellent news.”

The next meeting of the Forum is Wednesday January 10 at 8.30am at Quinton Hazell Enterprise Parc