Huge crowds gather to see Jeremy Corbyn in Wales

Jeremy Corbyn with Mark Drakeford, Carolyn Harris, Christina Rees and Geraint Davies (Image: Adrian White)
Jeremy Corbyn with Mark Drakeford, Carolyn Harris, Christina Rees and Geraint Davies (Image: Adrian White)

The Labour leader was on a whistle-stop tour through Wales in the last week of the election campaign

The Labour leader greets crowds outside the Patti Pavilion (Image: Adrian White)
The Labour leader greets crowds outside the Patti Pavilion (Image: Adrian White)

Hundreds of people turned out to see Jeremy Corbyn across Wales, as the Labour leader travelled through the country in the final week of election campaigning.

After a first stop in Barry where he met voters, Mr Corbyn arrived late in Swansea , where he spoke to an audience at the Patti Pavilion.

And he spoke to a receptive audience, which frequently cheered as he spoke about social justice, universal credit, austerity, the NHS, and the Conservative government, before he urged everyone to get out knocking on doors and campaigning in the final few days before the election.

Crowds surrounding the Labour leader in Swansea (Image: Jonathan Myers)
Crowds surrounding the Labour leader in Swansea (Image: Jonathan Myers)

A small group of Brexit party supporters greeted his arrival outside the venue, where he was joined by fellow Labour parliamentary candidates Geraint Davies, Carolyn Harris and Christina Rees – previously MPs for Swansea West, Swansea East and Neath respectively – as well as First Minister Mark Drakeford.

Mr Corbyn also sampled a Welsh Cake in Barry and poured a pint in the town’s Sports and Social Club on Barry Island.

On Labour’s proposed spending plans he said: “Our plans are fully costed. The taxation will come from the richest 5%, and corporation tax will rise eventually to 26%, which is actually less than it was in 2010 and significantly less the corporation tax is in France and the USA.

“We believe that and closing down tax loop holes and tax evasion will pay for our programme. Those earning less than £80,000 a year will not pay any more tax or National Insurance”.

Jeremy Corbyn with Mark Drakeford, Carolyn Harris, Christina Rees and Geraint Davies (Image: Adrian White)
Jeremy Corbyn with Mark Drakeford, Carolyn Harris, Christina Rees and Geraint Davies (Image: Adrian White)
Hundreds of people turned out to hear the Labour party leader (Image: Adrian White)
Hundreds of people turned out to hear the Labour party leader (Image: Adrian White)

Mr Corbyn said he intended to abolish the bedroom tax and replace universal credit with social security “based on preventing anyone falling into poverty and destitution. Universal credit has had a terrible effect on many people’s lives”.

Some of his biggest cheers came when he defended the NHS.

He said: “The problem with the NHS in Wales is it has been underfunded. It has lost a billion in funding. The Welsh government has invested more in the NHS, as much as it can, but it does require a UK Labour government to properly invest in the NHS across the whole country”.

He added: “The NHS is not for sale, not now, not ever.”

Earlier in the day, Mr Corbyn visited a coffee shop in Barry to mark Small Business Saturday (Image: PA)
Earlier in the day, Mr Corbyn visited a coffee shop in Barry to mark Small Business Saturday (Image: PA)
Jeremy Corbyn bites into a Welsh Cake in Barry (Image: Richard Swingler)
Jeremy Corbyn bites into a Welsh Cake in Barry (Image: Richard Swingler)

Other policies highlighted included the abolition of student tuition fees, and the intention to hold a referendum with a “credible” leave option “which maintains a trading relationship with Europe”.

And on personal attacks in the media, he said: “I just carry on putting forward what I believe in and the policies I believe in.

“I do not respond to personal abuse because I think that demeans politics and demeans the political debate. So when they go low, I go high”.

Following his rally Mr Corby headed to Carmarthen . His itinerary also included stops in Bangor and Conwy .