Holy Week and Easter Services at Bangor Cathedral

The Palm Sunday 2014 procession.

A number of special services will take place at Bangor Cathedral during the Easter period.

Holy week begins on Palm Sunday, March 29,  with a Palm procession around the Cathedral and Eucharist at 11am. This will be followed by a Choral Evensong with Allegri’s Misere at 3.15pm.

A short quiet meditative service of bible readings and psalms will take place on Tuesday, March 31, and Wednesday, April 1, at 8pm.

At 11am on Maundy Thursday on April 2, The Bishop of Bangor, The Right Reverend Andrew John, will lead the celebration of the Chrism Eucharist.

During this service the holy oils that will be used throughout the Diocese this year will be blessed and the clergy will renew their ordination vows.  At 7.30 pm in the evening a Choral Eucharist of the Last Supper and the washing of the feet will take place.

On Good Friday, The Good Friday Liturgy will take place at 1.30pm with meditation from the Bishop of Bangor.

In the evening at 7.30pm on Holy Saturday (April 4) the lighting of the new fire will take place leading into a prayerful vigil of readings, prayers and reflective silence, led by the Bishop of Bangor, followed by the first Eucharist of Easter.

The Cathedral’s usual Sunday pattern is embellished by outstanding music and liturgy on Easter Sunday ( April 5) with a Eucharist at 8am, Welsh language Eucharist at 9.30am, Choral Eucharist at 11am and Choral Evensong at 3.15pm.