Over 1200 people stopped across Wales for not wearing a seatbelt

North Wales Police arrested 140 people for drink driving in December 2017..

Wearing a seatbelt when driving or as a passenger can save lives, but people still choose not to buckle up and by doing so, they put themselves and others at risk.


During a two week campaign across Wales, 1,257 people were stopped by police for not wearing a seatbelt whilst travelling.


North Wales, South Wales, Gwent and Dyfed Powys Police carried out the campaign in March to raise awareness amongst drivers and passengers of the dangers of not wearing seatbelts in the event of a collision.


The results were as follows:


North Wales

140 adults found not to be wearing a seatbelt

0 children found not to be wearing a seatbelt


South Wales

360 adults found not to be wearing a seatbelt

0 children found not to be wearing a seatbelt



41 adults found not to be wearing a seatbelt

0 children found not to be wearing a seatbelt


Dyfed Powys

716 adults found not to be wearing a seatbelt

8 children found not to be wearing a seatbelt


Of the total 1,257 people stopped, 885 were men and 372 were women. Not wearing a seatbelt is considered one of the ‘Fatal 5’ – the five offences that cause the most deaths on our roads. The others are speeding, alcohol, drugs and mobile phones.


Sergeant Alun Davies from North Wales Police’ Roads Policing Unit said: “Failing to wear a seatbelt is still apparent on the roads of North Wales and it is disappointing to see that people are still choosing to risk their lives and the lives of others.”


“We have a robust strategy around enforcing the ‘Fatal 5’ offences which are failing to wear a seat belt, drink and drug driving, dangerous and careless driving including unnecessary risk taking, speeding and using a mobile phone while driving.”

“We are committed to assisting in reducing casualties on the road through the use of targeted enforcement operations around high risk groups of people and locations while enforcing the ‘Fatal 5’ offences.”

“The risk of being seriously injured or killed rises dramatically if a decision is taken to commit a ‘Fatal 5’ offence and I want people to be aware of the devastating affect it can have and make a conscious decision not to take any chances.”

He added: “Seatbelts are vital to the safety of you and your passengers and we will continue to take a pro-active approach all year round to educate motorists and enforce seatbelt laws.”


Both drivers and passengers can be fined £100 for not wearing a seatbelt and can be prosecuted. Any child under the age of 14 who is not buckled in is the responsibility of the driver and the driver can be fined.


For further information on how to keep you and your family safe, please visit http://think.direct.gov.uk/seat-belts.html