Caernarfon schoolchildren’s anti-litter initiative

Ysgol yr Hendre’s Eco Committee with Gwynedd Council’s Tidy Town’s Officer, Jonathan Gwyn Neale.

Pupils at Ysgol yr Hendre, Caernarfon have recently taken the initiative against littering by designing their own posters urging people to take pride in the local environment.


The children created colourful signs to be placed around Caernarfon in an attempt to raise awareness of the problem in the town, and to encourage people to take more pride in their community by putting their litter in a bin. Ysgol yr Hendre’s Eco Committee also invited Gwynedd Council’s Tidy Towns Officer, Jonathan Gwyn Neale to speak with them on local environmental issues.


Gwynedd Council’s Tidy Towns Officer, Jonathan Neale said: “It’s great when children take the initiative in the community, with the local environment top of the list of issues causing concern.  I’d like to thank the children for their enthusiastic efforts to bring this important issue to attention of the wider community.”


Councillor John Wynn Jones, Gwynedd Council’s Cabinet Member for the Environment added: “Children have the ability to get a message across simply and powerfully, and these images do just that. I certainly hope that their hard work will help to improve the environmental quality of this area of Caernarfon and encourage local resident to follow their great example.”


Local Councillor, Roy Owen, who is Chair of Ysgol yr Hendre’s board of governors said: “I’d like to congratulate Ysgol yr Hendre’s pupils on another very worthwhile initiative to improve the environment of the Seiont area of Caernarfon. The signs are very colourful and are a great way of getting the message across to the community – let’s hope it makes a difference. Once again, well done!”


It is an offence to throw rubbish, cigarette stumps and chewing gum in public places. Those ignoring the law run the risk of an on the spot fine of £75.


If you would like to arrange a litter-pick in your community, contact Gwynedd Council’s Tidy Towns Team on 01766 771000 or e-mail:


Tidy Towns is a Welsh Government funded project.