Trawsfynydd schoolchildren tidy up

Ysgol Bro Hedd Wyn, Trawsfynydd pupils who took part in the recent litter-pick in the area.
Ysgol Bro Hedd Wyn, Trawsfynydd pupils who took part in the recent litter-pick in the area.

Pupils from Ysgol Bro Hedd Wyn, Trawsfynydd, have recently been leading a campaign to tidy up the local community by taking part on a litter pick around the village.


A total of 20 year 3 and 4 pupils, armed with their Tidy Towns litter-pick sticks and new high-viz jackets, worked tirelessly to clear any untidy spots in the village. After collecting the litter, they then went on to recycle all items they could.


Councillor John Wynn Jones, Gwynedd Council Environment Cabinet Member said: “It is hugely encouraging to see that the pupils of Ysgol Bro Hedd Wyn, Trawsfynydd, are so proactive in the community and doing such great work to encourage us all to keep the community clean and tidy.


“Many congratulations to the pupils and teachers on this project.

“It is wonderful to see that they have worked closely with the Gwynedd Tidy Towns scheme to actively collect litter in the community and I hope their efforts will encourage more residents to take pride in their local environment.”


Nel, a Year 3 pupil from Ysgol Bro Hedd Wyn said: “I’m glad that I collected litter to keep the place clean and tidy.”


Siôr, who’s also a Year 3 pupil added: “I would like for people and children in the village to put their rubbish in the bin and not throw it on the floor.”


Jonathan Gwyn Neale, Gwynedd Council Tidy Towns Officer noted: “It was great that the Tidy Towns scheme enabled Ysgol Bro Hedd Wyn’s children to realise their wish to tidy-up their village.  It’s a pleasure to see the next generation showing everyone that they won’t tolerate untidiness.”


If you’d like to start your own community group or if your school wish to improve your local environment, please contact Gwynedd Council’s Tidy Towns Officer for a community pack. For more information about Gwynedd Council’s Tidy Towns scheme, contact the team on 01766 771000 or send an e-mail to


It is a crime to throw rubbish in any public place, and those convicted of doing so could face a fine of up to £2,500.


To report an incident of fly-tipping, contact Gwynedd Council’s Street Enforcement Team  on 01766 771000.


The Tidy Towns scheme is funded by a Welsh Government grant as part of a scheme which aims to improve the local environment.