Top Chinese restaurant cooks up lesson for school children

Staff at Real China n Eagles Meadow have given lessons in making Chinese dumplings to pupils of St Christophers school. Michael Yang is pictued with the youngsters.


A top Chinese restaurant cooked up an oriental lesson for school children.

Pupils from St Christopher’s School got a taste of Chinese culture when they were taught how to make delicious dumplings at The Real China at Eagles Meadow shopping centre.

They were taken step by step though the process of cutting and rolling the pastry, before adding their own filling.

The 12-strong class, aged between 11 and 16, had ingredients such as minced chicken and beef, spring onions, ginger, soy sauce and Chinese five spices at their disposal.

The buffet-style restaurant offers a mouth-watering selection of Asian delicacies alongside traditional Chinese dishes in a specialist food area.

Pupil Sarah Elizabeth Green, 12 said: “I like coming here and it was nice to make the dumplings. It was easy to do because they were helpful and friendly her. I’d like to come here again.

“I put minced beef and chicken, and spices in my dumplings. My favourite Chinese food is dumplings but I also like noodles.”

Fellow pupil Charlie Thomas, 11, added: “I love Chinese food and it has been good fun learning how to make the dumplings.”

The Real China proprietor Michael Yang recently took charge of the restaurant with his best friends Hongchen Wu.

The ex-Glyndwr University business management student, said: “The kids have done very well and have been polite and enthusiastic. They seem to be really enjoying their food.

“You can put almost anything you like in dumplings so it’s a very versatile dish. After they children have finished their dinner they are going to have marshmallows.

“It’s important for us at The Real China to be actively involved in the community, and it’s a great way to teach people about our culture.”

Bhupinder Luce, senior religious education teacher at the school, said: “The children have been really looking forward to it. Children in wheelchair have been able to come to have access to this which is important to use because it promotes equality.

“As an RE teacher I’m responsible for the children’s spiritual, moral, and cultural awareness, and a lot of the time I promote that though food. It’s a great way to teach people about culture because it’s something everyone can relate to.

“A lot of the children learn best through a sensory approach so an activity like making dumplings is great for them.

“The kinetic approach is perfect because they get to think about what they’re eating and drinking.

“The demonstration at The Real China was good because it was clear, and simple to follow, and it was explained in simple language.

“The children have done a fantastic job at making the dumplings.

“At the school we celebrate the Chinese New Year as well as the Sikh New Year and Jewish festivals.”

Eagles Meadow Manager Kevin Critchley added: “I think the lesson in making Chinese food for the school children was a great idea, and they have all really enjoyed it. It’s a fun way to leant about Chinese culture.”