30k grant for Bangor Cathedral Choir

Some of the younger members of Bangor Cathedral Choir enjoying themselves.

Bangor Cathedral has announced that the organisation The Friends of Cathedral Music has offered Bangor Cathedral Choir an endowment grant of £30,000 to help secure the future of choral excellence in the city and at the Cathedral.

This exciting grant will provide a strong foundation for a stipendiary fund for choral scholars (students who sing with the choir in return for a small payment in recognition of their services) from local colleges and Bangor University.

It will also support the development of the choir as it continues its current growth and expansion under the leadership of the Cathedral’s Director of Music, Paul Booth. 

Commenting on the award of the grant, Bangor Cathedral’s Director of Music, Paul Booth, said: ‘‘Over the past few years many churches have seen a decline in the numbers of young people joining choirs, and Bangor was no exception.

“However recent developments here at Bangor Cathedral, such as the introduction of a Girls’ Choir, ongoing recruitment to the Boys’ Choir and now, new links with Bangor University, have increased the numbers of our Choral Scholars.

“This support in the lower registers enhances the choral repertoires of both choirs. We are delighted with the continued improvement in musical provision at the Cathedral.”

The Precentor (the priest who is in charge of worship and music at the Cathedral) of Bangor Cathedral, the Rev’d Canon David Fisher, said: “‘Bangor is the oldest cathedral foundation in the United Kingdom and as such we have an ancient tradition of choral provision.

“The grant from the Friends of Cathedral Music is a fantastic endorsement of all our recent hard work and allows us to focus on the continuing musical and spiritual development of the amazing group of young people in our choirs.

“These are very exciting times for Bangor Cathedral and this grant will allow our choirs to remain at heart of our worship of God as He’s revealed himself in Jesus Christ.”

A special choral evensong service to celebrate this grant will take place in October. Full details to be announced.