Celebrating the life of Lloyd George

A stamp depicting David Lloyd George.

The Lloyd George Museum in Llanystumdwy will be celebrating the life and achievements of the former Prime Minister on Friday, October 30.


The event will take place between 11am and 4pm and is part of the Welsh Museums Festival that welcomes children free of charge. Entrance fee for adults is £5.

A Pathe newsreel of the period in which Lloyd George was in office will be shown throughout the day as well as art workshops for children of all ages.

Highgate, the cottage where Lloyd George grew up is also placed within the museum and has been restored to its original state.

Tŷ Newydd, the National Writer’s Centre for Wales, where Lloyd George resided after he retired, is not usually a part of the museum experience. However, building on the success of the museum’s partnership with CADW’s Open Doors festival, the house will be open for viewing at no extra charge.

Lloyd George is also buried at Llanystumdwy, with his grave only a short walk from the Museum itself should those attending wish to visit.

The Museum is open from Monday to Friday from 11am-4pm until October 30, when it will close for the winter. Further information about the museum is available from: www.gwynedd.gov.uk/Museums