Village Bakery staff jump to it for charity

Pictured is Kath Ashcroft from Village Bakery, Wrexham.


Kind-hearted bakery staff will jump to it to raise money and put on their festive finery for worthy causes.

The Christmas Jumper Day at the Village Bakery at their bakeries in Wrexham and Minera on December 18 is being organised by Kath Ashcroft, the company’s supply chain and logistics planner.

They are joining a nationwide campaign to raise money for three charities, Save the Children, the Make a Wish Foundation and cancer charity Macmillan.

The campaign is in partnership ITV’s Text Santa, with the money being split equally three ways.

ITV Text Santa, which had its first live television broadcast in 2011, will also take place on December 18 and will involve specials of ITV shows including Downton Abbey, Coronation Street and Benidorm.

Kath said: “The idea is that members of staff wear a Christmas jumper to work and they will pay £2 for privilege.

“Everybody taking part will get a free mince pie, play some games in the canteen, have a bit of a laugh and get in to the spirit of Christmas.

“They are all good causes and you never know when you might need a Macmillan nurse. It’s a charity that’s for everyone, not just personal.

“I was 10 when my nan passed away with cancer and a friend has just had breast cancer.  She’s very lucky.  She’s just come out the other end so didn’t need Macmillan.

“Macmillan is a charity that everybody will support and the Make a Wish Foundation is a children’s charity, so we’re giving some money to that as well which touches your heart even more.

The charity fund-raising is also good news for Terry the Turkey, their new festive mascot

Kath explained: “We’ve got Terry the Turkey because we thought we needed to cheer up our office.

“The commercial team went shopping for Christmas shopping the other day for a Christmas tree and bits and pieces and we found Terry.

“Terry is one turkey that will definitely survive Christmas – he’ll come our every December.”

Village Bakery projects director Christien Jones said: “We’ve got a great team here at the Village Bakery including Kath who has a heart of gold.

“I take my hat off to them for raising money for such fantastic charities – and hopefully having a bit of fun at the same time.

“It’s certainly going to bring some extra Christmas spirit to the Village Bakery.”