Good call by expanding mobile phone chain to Eagles Meadow

Left, Bradley Scott and Don Nazir at E.ffective the new Eagles Meadow phone accessory store.


An expanding mobile phone accessory and repair chain has opened its first store in North Wales.

E.ffective (correct) is the latest business to move into Eagles Meadow shopping centre in Wrexham and has taken over one of the last few remaining available units.

The store, which also offers a phone and tablet unlocking service, is the fifth shop to be opened by London-based entrepreneur Rao Khan as he seeks to expand the number of outlets he operates.

Rao, 31, said: “Eagles Meadow will be the third outlet I have in Wales and the fifth overall. I have opened shops in Rugby, Blackpool, Carmarthen and Haverford West so far and I am looking to expand and invest as I grow the business.

“Wrexham is an exciting town to be in and I’m looking forward to seeing the business grow. I think we offer a service people need and I’m really excited about moving into North Wales.”

And the new E.ffective store has provided one Wrexham teenager with his first managerial position.

Bradley Scott, 18, has been recruited as E.ffective’s first member of staff and will take over the reins to manage the store once he’s fully trained.

The former Ysgol Bryn Alyn pupil says he’s delighted to have been given the opportunity to join what he describes as a brilliant company.

He said: “I’m really, really pleased and feeling very positive about the role. I was working for an agency but this is a dream come true. I’m learning the ropes at the moment and working with Don Nazir, a business partner of Rao Khan.

“We are also looking for a shop assistant to join the team and Don and I are currently going through a pile of CVs.”

He added: “It’s an amazing shop and something Wrexham has needed for a while. We opened just before Christmas and it was really busy.”

Don Nazir, 26, says he is currently staying in a Wrexham hotel and will be returning to work at E.ffective’s Blackpool store once Bradley is up to speed.

Don, who was born and raised in Austria before coming to the UK four years ago, said: “My brother, Naveed, and Rao, are business partners and I work with them. We are pleased to have been able to employ Bradley.

“We didn’t need anyone technically trained as it is my job to train Bradley and the new member of staff we hope to soon have in place. The main thing we wanted was someone with good customer service. That is very important to Rao and my brother.”

Don, who speaks five languages, added: “Rao won’t settle for anything less than the very best when it comes to good customer service.

“He wants enthusiastic and committed people and, although we are having Bradley and one other member of staff initially that could grow depending on how successful the Wrexham outlet becomes.”

Eagles Meadow manager Kevin Critchley was delighted to welcome E.ffective to the shopping centre.

He said: “It’s always good to see new businesses come into the town and I think E.ffective can be very successful. I think they Mr Khan’s company offers something different.

“Occupancy is increasing at Eagles Meadow with more businesses moving into the shopping centre. I am hoping that as we move into a new year we will get to a position whereby we have 100 per cent occupancy with all units being used.”

He added: “It has to be a good sign that new businesses, and entrepreneurs like Mr Khan, have the confidence to move into Wrexham in general and Eagles Meadow in particular.

“I think it shows that the town is on the up and the vibrant retail offer we have. I hope we have a long and fruitful relationship with Mr Khan and I look forward to seeing E.ffective doing well in the years ahead.”