Cool idea boosts mental health charity MIND

Ben and Jerry's Cone Day at the Odeon in Eagles Meadow, Wrexham, staff members Nicola Griffiths and Stephen Powell enjoy a sample.


Big hearted cinema staff are cool customers when it comes to raising money for a mental health charity.

Staff at the Odeon at the Eagles Meadow in Wrexham will be handing out free ice cream between 11.15am and 9.30pm on Tuesday, April 12.

However, customers will be asked for a charitable donation with all funds going to support the work of the mental health charity, MIND.

Each year Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, founders of the American-based ice-cream giants Ben and Jerry’s say “thank you” to their loyal customers by giving away free cones on one particular day.

They have made the annual gesture since the company was launched in 1979, so visitors to the Odeon can enjoy an unexpected treat.

Cinema Manager Andy Elvis said: “It’s a great idea and customers will be served one scoop of their favourite flavour for free. All that we ask for is a small charitable donation towards our national charity, MIND.

“There is nothing to stop customers having as many scoops as they want but they will only be served one at a time. We hope to do even better than we did last year and raise as much money for the charity as we can.

“All Odeon cinemas in the UK will be raising funds for MIND during Ben and Jerry’s Free Cone Day.

“The response last year was excellent. People don’t mind giving something when it’s for such a good cause.”
Staff member Nicola Griffiths couldn’t wait for the Free Cone Day before tucking in and giving their favourite flavours a good licking.

Nicola hopes customers will enter into the spirit of the day by donating as much as they can to such a good cause.

She said: “I am sure children would just love a Ben and Jerry’s free cone to help make their cinema trip even more exciting while parents can help us raise as much as possible for such a worthwhile cause.”

“I hope as many of our customers as possible grab a Ben and Jerry’s ice cream cone and help us top our target of hundreds of thousands nationwide for  really worthwhile and important charities.”.

“I think it is brilliant that Ben and Jerry’s and the Odeon have teamed up to raise funds for MIND.”

Eagles Meadow Manager Kevin Critchley is an ice cream fan and is looking forward to the fund-raiser.

He said: “I think this is a brilliant fund-raising idea. When it comes to raising money for charity, we’ve got it licked!”