Appeal to find man wanted for Flintshire sex offences

Michael Leaberry
Michael Leaberry
Michael Leaberry

North Wales Police are appealing for information to trace Michael Philip Leaberry, 35, who is wanted in connection with child sex offences in Flintshire.


Leaberry, also known as Stephen Bugman, left North Wales in January 2015 and moved to Ipswich in Suffolk and later to Essex. He failed to answer police bail in September 2015, but he is believed to have been in Ipswich on September 29.

Despite extensive enquiries in the south east of England he has not been located.

Detective Chief Inspector Simon Williams, said: “I am appealing to anyone who knows the whereabouts of Michael Philip Leaberry, or who may have any information which could assist the police in locating him, to contact North Wales Police.

“I would also appeal to Mr Leaberry directly to come forward. Due to the nature of the offences he is considered to present a risk of harm to children.”

In recent years Leaberry has lived in Essex, Norwich, Cheshire, North Wales and Suffolk.

Anyone with information should call North Wales Police on 101, quoting reference RC15126808.