£9,000 awarded to local community projects on Anglesey

Ynys Mon Athletics Club

Seven highly deserving local projects are celebrating being awarded a share of over £9,000 in grant support through the Ysgellog Community Benefit Fund. 

Ynys Mon Athletics Club

The largest award went to Sir Thomas Jones High School in Amlwch who have been awarded £2,000 to improve the outdoor space for pupils. Plans are to create a sheltered eating area with outdoor table tennis facilities and gym equipment.

The school has also scooped £1,600 to put on three courses to develop and educate over 50 young people (aged 15-18 years) who will then go on to inspire and motivate hundreds of people both within school and in the wider community. The courses include First Aid, Community Sports Leader Award (CSLA) Level 2 and a National Governing Body Level 1.

And with the New Year always being a time to kick start a healthier lifestyle, the Leisure Centre in Amlwch were also keen to get their hands on some much needed funding to launch new community athletics sessions. The sessions will be run by Ynys Mon Athletics Club throughout 2017. There will be a weekly session for children and a weekly running initiative, ‘couch to 5k’ for adults.

Barry Edwards, Active Young People’s Officer said: “Thanks to the Ysgellog Community Benefit Fund, grant support to launch new school and community projects in Amlwch will create further opportunities and help with getting more people hooked on sport for life. With a strong relationship between the school and the community sporting clubs, this investment will see people of all ages and abilities benefiting from new fitness sessions, coach education opportunities and the sports equipment made available.”

Other projects sharing the wind fall include Amlwch Town Council who were able to update their Christmas Lights, Cylch Meithrin Amlwch who are purchasing new equipment, Age Well Hwyliog Mon who were able to open for extra days over the Christmas period and Cymdeithas Cymunedol Mechell who will be purchasing garden furniture for the new community garden area at Siop Mechell in Llanfechell.

Monies for the Community Fund are provided by Ysgellog Wind Farm Limited who own the Ysgellog wind farm. Groups located within a 4km radius of the turbines can apply for grants between £500 and £2,000.

The Fund is being administered by national charity GrantScape.

Groups wishing to find out more should visit GrantScape’s website www.grantscape.org.uk. Groups can also contact the Fund Manager, Liz Payne directly on 01282 543775 if they would like to discuss a potential project or need help making an application.