New public school to create 150 jobs and boost local economy by £12 million

Headmaster Andy Howard at Myddelton College , Denbigh.


The UK’s newest independent school will create over 150 jobs and pump more than £12 million into the Denbighshire economy.

The new co-educational private school, Myddelton College, in Denbigh, is planning to have 150 staff and 450 pupils in place within three years.

The news was revealed ahead of a launch event on Friday, October 30, when the new school, which is housed in the historic buildings of the former Howell’s School, will be opened by the Lord Lieutenant of Clwyd, Henry Fetherstonehaugh.

The first appointments of administration and maintenance staff have already taken place and the school has also just appointed a Commercial Manager and Head of Admissions.

When Myddelton College opens next September it is expected to have over 50 staff and 150 pupils aged 11-18 in Years Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten and 12, two thirds of them boarders.

By 2018 those numbers are projected to rise to 450 pupils, generating over £10 million in fees with over £4 million ploughed back into the local economy in wages and payments for supplies and other ancillary services, in addition to the major investment in the school buildings and equipment.

With every pound in wages estimated to be spent over three times that would mean a boost of over £12 million to the local economy.

Myddelton Education Investment Ltd, which runs the school, plans to have 300 boarders from the UK and from 17 countries across Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Africa along with 150 day pupils.

They recently appointed Andy Howard, 47, as headmaster. He is a former teacher at world famous Harrow School and has extensive experience in both the state and independent sectors, most recently as headmaster of Sandymoor Free School, in Runcorn.

He said: “Denbigh and the Vale of Clwyd is a magnificent location for a school with easy links to the motorway system via the A55 and to two major international airports.

“We also have the advantage of the town being used to having a high quality independent school here in Howell’s so the community is very supportive and there are excellent services that we can draw on.

“We have been in talks with Denbighshire County Council who have been very helpful and we want to work closely with them over digital strategy and in other areas both with schools and with travel and tourism.

“By encouraging more people to visit the area it will also persuade businesses to invest here and for our part we are committed to recruiting locally and to playing our part in the local economy and supporting local suppliers and service providers.”

The launch of Myddelton College has been welcomed by Denbighshire County Council’s Leader and Lead Member for Economic Development, Councillor Hugh Evans OBE, who said: “It is great news that the future of this important site in Denbigh has been secured by Myddelton College.

“This is a prime site near the town centre and there was some initial concern after Howell’s closed its doors that the site may have remained empty for some time.

“That would have had an adverse impact on the local economy and the Council was eager to see the site being occupied.

“Myddelton College’s presence in Denbigh will have a positive impact on the local economy as an employer, with opportunities for local people in and around Denbigh to apply for quality jobs.

“The college’s presence will ensure that the historic buildings on location are preserved for future generations and we look forward to working with Myddelton College as a key partner in the future.”

Mr Howard added: “We aim to provide a high quality education but Myddelton College about more than just passing exams. It’s about preparing a young person to be happy in their life because a lot of society is not doing well by its young people.”

“The British independent education system is a very strong global brand that is widely admired and aspired to.

“Boarding schools like Myddelton College are responsible for a young person’s whole development and not just their education. We will provide a core of 21st century skills with personal profiling to help them plan their next steps and leadership development.”

Myddelton College Denbigh will recruit both globally, in areas such as Europe, Russia, Africa, the Middle and Far East, in the UK generally and locally in North Wales.

It is committed to providing Welsh language teaching at Key Stage Three, the 11-14 age group, and to building links with local schools in Denbigh and the Vale of Clwyd.

The launch event will also be attended by Vale of Clwyd MP James Davies and representatives of Denbighshire County and Denbigh Town Councils. It takes place from 11am to 3pm and will also see the doors, which were symbolically shut last year when Howell’s School closed, being ceremonially re-opened by a former teacher and a member of the new school’s board.

To attend the Open Day and Launch of Myddelton College please call 01745 472201.