A new communal garden for Morfa Cadfan in Tywyn

Morfa Cadfan residents and CCG staff enjoying the new garden.

Tenants at housing association Cartrefi Cymunedol Gwynedd (CCG) sheltered housing in Tywyn will be able to make the most of the fresh air this summer, following the completion of their new community garden.


After years of planning, consultation and raising money the garden at Morfa Cadfan has now been completed.

The idea to develop the garden was suggested back in 2012, and since then a number of local people have contributed ideas, designs and time to the project.

The garden received a grant of £1,000 from CCG’s Community Investment Fund. The project was also supported by a number of tenants, local and national businesses and people in the local community, who provided labour, goods and materials.

Angela Sheffield, a tenant at Morfa Cadfan who helped with the project said: “The garden has been in existence since the flats were built about 30 years ago. Over the years it became a colourless feature with weeds and uneven paving stones that became unusable and dangerous for the residents.

“We now have wheelchair friendly raised beds and hard surfaces, a poly-tunnel and seating areas. We also have wildlife friendly shrubs and borders and an area set aside for a wildflower meadow.

“The garden is now very popular with tenants, who can sit down and chat with a cup of coffee on sunny days. It’s lovely to see people using and enjoying the garden once again. I’d like to thank CCG and everyone else who helped us with this project.”

“Thank you also to Capita, Dinas Contracting Cyf, Evans Wilson and Evans and Travis Perkins for their help with the project.”