Appointment of a Chaplaincy Assistant to the University of Bangor

Gregor Lachlann-Waddell

The Diocese of Bangor has announced the appointment of Mr Gregor Lachlann-Waddell as the Chaplaincy Assistant in the Bro Deiniol  Ministry Area.

Gregor Lachlann-Waddell
Gregor Lachlann-Waddell
Gregor will be based at Bangor Cathedral and will enable and support the Church’s ministry to the students of Bangor University. He will be working alongside the Dean and Bro Deiniol Ministry Area Leader, the Very Rev’d Kathy Jones.
Gregor was brought up in Zambia, where his parents were missionaries. He studied at the Scottish Agricultural College for a degree in Nature Tourism Management and is passionate about the environment. He is presently working with Denbighshire County Council in Refuse and Recycling.
Gregor, who is also exploring the nature of his Christian vocation, is married to Sarah who teaches at a Special Needs School. They have a daughter, Maia, who is 13 months old.
Commenting on his new role, Gregor said, “ I’m very much looking forward to the opportunity to develop my Christian ministry. My work with the Council has given me a small taste of what chaplaincy might be like, and I am keen to discern whether chaplaincy or full-time ministry is God’s calling for me.“
The Dean of Bangor – the Very Rev Kathy Jones – said, “Myself and all of the Ministry Team here at Bangor Cathedral and Bro Deiniol are very much looking forward to welcoming and ministering with Gregor. Our students are an important part of our City’s community and it will be excellent to have Gregor as part of our team to minister amidst and alongside them.”
Gregor will begin his role at the start of December.