Art exhibition celebrates work of Welsh author, T. Llew Jones

One of the pieces of artwork by pupils from the winning schools that can be seen in the exhibition.

An art exhibition ‘Geiriau T.Llew mewn Llun’ compiled of work from Gwynedd primary pupils will be shown in Caernarfon Library at the beginning of December.

The exhibition is a response to a competition held by Gwynedd Council’s Library Services as part of the centenary celebrations for one of Wales’ favourite authors – T. Llew Jones.

The task set for the primary school pupils was to create a poster or art work based on any poems out of the book ‘Penillion y Plant’ (The Children’s Verses) by T.Llew Jones.

Gwynedd Council’s School Librarian, Sioned Hywel Rowlands, said: “We had an amazing response to the competition with a high number of applicants. It was fantastic to see the children’s imagination and creativity in their responses to T.Llew Jones’ poems.”

The top spot was given to Ysgol Llandygai; Ysgol Nefyn; Ysgol Y Gelli, Caernarfon; Ysgol Pentreuchaf; Ysgol Chwilog and Ysgol Ganllwyd. Their prize was a workshop with Children’s Poet Laureate – Anni Llŷn. As a prize for four of the schools, they received a package of T.Llew Jones books as a gift from Palas Print and Gwasg Gomer.

The exhibition will be held in Caernarfon Library’s Community Room on the following dates/ times and there is a warm welcome to all:

Thursday, 3-12-15 (4.30 -7 pm)

Friday, 4-12-15 (1 – 6pm)

Saturday, 5-12-15   (9.30am  – 12.30pm)

Monday, 7-12-15  (9.30am – 12.30pm)