Art workshops for people with dementia

Art workshops for people with dementia are being held at the Bryn Seiont Newydd Dementia Care Centre in Caernarfon

An innovative art project is underway at the Bryn Seiont Newydd Dementia Care Centre in Caernarfon.

Gwynedd Council’s Community Arts Unit is working in partnership with the Alzheimer’s Society to present a series of art sessions for people who live with dementia at Bryn Seiont Newydd.


Local community artist Wendy Rogers along with Nia Lloyd-Roberts, Artist in Residence and Enrichment Coordinator at Bryn Seiont Newydd will work together to deliver an eight week programme of art activity. The workshops will respond to themes relating to the natural world using a variety of art techniques and mediums.


The project’s main aim is to offer meaningful and quality artistic opportunities for those who have dementia in Gwynedd. Taking part in art activities can offer people relaxation, enjoyment and inner calm. They also allow for emotional expression as an important healing influence.


People with dementia live increasingly in the present moment. Their emotions and senses appear heightened. The creative part of the brain, in people with vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s disease (the most common form of this degenerative brain disorder) can remain undamaged for years.  Involvement with the arts triggers instant reactions and responses and as such:

–        overrides the stresses and confusion of memory loss

–        maximises brain function

–        elevates mood

–        restores personal identity

–        encourages social interactivity


The project will conclude with an exhibition of resident’s artworks at the STORIEL gallery in Bangor. This public exhibition will be an opportunity to share and celebrate the creativity of the project participants in a professional art gallery.

Workshops will take place during February and March 2016 and the exhibition will be open between 30 April and 18 June 2016 at STORIEL, Bangor.


For more information please contact: Gwawr Wyn Roberts, Gwynedd Council Community Arts Development Officer:  / / 01286 679721 / 07789 032517.