Bitcoin News and Market Sentiment Vs. Reality. Must Watch Video

Bitcoin News - Market Sentiment Must Watch


How Do You Separate Bitcoin Market Facts from Opinion?

The first thing you should do when getting involved with Bitcoin and cryptocurrency trading is to learn how to read the basic charts for the market you are investing in, as this is the best way to separate facts from speculation and manipulation.

Too often new traders and investors misunderstand the difference between market volume and market price to share value, understanding these three very important points are not only going to make you a smarter trader and investor but also gives you peace of mind by showing you when it is the right time to make a move.

Bitcoin history repeats itself
Bitcoin history repeats itself

Looking at the screenshot to the right you will notice that the Bitcoin line from June 20, 2017 to December 08, 2017, went from 37.39% to 64.73% in market volume dominance with Bitcoin Cash the Green line showing a massive split in the Bitcoin community and despite the fact that Bitcoin touched 20k on December 17, 2017, Bitcoin Cash community has been holding strong along with Ethereum and Litecoin.


Will Bitcoin Cash take over the cryptocurrency market?
Will Bitcoin Cash take over the cryptocurrency market?

Now, looking at the screen to the left and based on that data we can see that from June 20, 2018, if history repeats itself right now we could be at the very beginning of the new Bitcoin highs up until December 08, 2018, as you can see for yourself every other coin dipped during that period except Bitcoin Cash

Will Bitcoin Cash take over the cryptocurrency market? Based on the charts alone it shows us then end of the current bear market by June 20, 2018. So, Merry Christmas! 

It’s important to remember ourselves that anyone can master a new skill with 10,000 hours of practice. But to become the best in that skill can only be achieved if you love what you do. and Roger Ver’s  Passionate Presentation about making Bitcoin Cash again tells us something about his beliefs on the original Bitcoin core Idea.

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How to buy Bitcoin Cash Starting from $2 FREE How to Video Click Here!

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Jose Nunes.