Bontnewydd bypass plans should consider Lon Eifion users

Hywel Williams MP and Alun Ffred Jones AM on Lôn Eifion, Llanwnda.

Calls have been made for the Welsh Government to look at providing a safe route for cyclists and pedestrians when work on the Bontnewydd Bypass begins next year, after concerns were raised by a number of local people.

Arfon Assembly Member Alun Ffred Jones and Member of Parliament Hywel Williams, visited the Goat roundabout in Llanwnda this week to see for themselves some of the issues.


Both Alun Ffred Jones AM and Hywel Williams MP have been contacted by a number of constituents, concerned about the lack of provision for both cyclists and pedestrians in the plans for the new Goat roundabout in Llanwnda.


Under current plans, cyclists and pedestrians using Lôn Eifion would have to cross two main roads, one being the A487 trunk road. Those who’ve expressed concern about the proposed crossing arrangement are calling for a multi-user crossing to mitigate potential dangers.


Alun Ffred Jones AM said: “I have been contacted by a number of constituents, many of them cyclists, who are worried about the potential impact of a new roundabout at the Goat, Llanwnda on pedestrians and cyclists using the Lôn Eifion cycle and walking track. Lôn Eifion is extremely popular with local people and visitors alike, serving as a link between Caernarfon and Bryncir towards Porthmadog.

“My constituents are concerned that the new roundabout at Llanwnda will likely be much busier than it is at present, with the widening of the road exacerbating the situation. They are keen to see measures implemented to ensure a safe crossing for cyclists and pedestrians. As a keen cyclist myself, I can understand their concerns and have been pressing the Welsh Government to look into the matter.   

“The good news is that discussions are going ahead and that the planners are aware of the issue. I will be following developments closely.


Hywel Williams MP said: “I’m very glad that the bypass is going ahead. But this is one potential problem which can be solved. I hope the planners will make efforts to reassure local people and make proper provision for cyclists and walkers.