Bro Madryn Ministry Area wants to hear your views

Rev Richard Wood, with Bro Madryn’s wardens, Mrs Siwsan Griffith and Mr Roger Stephens Jones

In September 2013, nine churches around Nefyn from Pistyll to Llangwnnadl to Botwnnog, came together to form a new group, the Bro Madryn Ministry Area.

They welcomed a new Vicar, the Rev’d Richard Wood, to lead the Ministry Area Team.

The new group and their vicar had to face up to particular challenges – a combined congregation of about 100 people in a very rural, very Welsh-speaking area, yet one which is also very popular with tourists and people moving in from England.

The group’s new Ministry Area Council (which used to be called the Parochial Church Council or PCC) decided to face up to their challenges and asked the Bishop of Bangor, the Right Rev’d Andrew John, to commission a review.

The MAC wanted help to discern how they could face these challenges with a particular emphasis on re-structuring the way they offer worship with the facilities that they have.

Mr Simon Parton was invited to take on this role. He recently retired as Diocesan Secretary in the Diocese of Southwark, but has strong family links with Anglesey and a good knowledge of North Wales.

Over recent months he met with people in Bro Madryn as well as various groups and some of the congregations. Questionnaires were circulated amongst the congregations and the local community. He has produced a report with recommendations and options as a possible way for Bro Madryn to develop.

The vicar, the Rev’d Richard Wood, said, ‘Amongst other things, the report recommends a new idea for the use of four of our church buildings. They would be open all year round for visitors and pilgrims, and have services at Christmas, Easter and Harvest, but they wouldn’t have a service on Sunday. The church building in Morfa Nefyn, which only closed in 2013, is recommended to re-open as a designated Welsh-language church, whilst the church building in Botwnnog is recommended to close.

It’s now really important for everyone in our communities to take ownership of this report, to read it, and to come and share their thoughts. The Ministry Area Council will have to respond to this report and they need to know people’s views, so that they can discern the best way to fulfill our mission as God’s people. I would encourage people to come to the open meeting.’

The open meeting is being held on Tuesday, July 7, at 7.30pm in the Canolfan, Morfa Nefyn. The Bro Madryn Ministry Area Council members will be present, primarily to listen to what others have to say, but also to speak if there is an opportunity.

The report is available here :