Budding barista is full of beans after landing dream job

Ria Morris

A Flintshire job-hunter is full of beans after landing her dream job at a brand new coffee shop at a department store.

Ria Morris

Ria Morris, 23, was desperate to forge a career as a coffee barista, when she spotted the recruitment advert for the new Costa at Debenhams at the Eagles Meadow shopping centre in Wrexham.

Ria, from Shotton, was thrilled to land one of the seven new jobs created at the cafe.

She said: “I’ve always loved going in Costa coffee shops. There’s a really nice atmosphere and a buzz about them. I was just over the moon to land a full-time position; it really is my dream job.

“I get the train from Shotton every morning or afternoon depending on my shifts. It’s never an issue.

“I love working in Eagles Meadow because the customers are really friendly and we have already come together as a great team. I have got some great workmates.

“I really couldn’t be happier. I have always Costa and wanted to be part of it, well now I am which is amazing!”

Costa manager Luke Morton, who has been with the company for five years, says he’s delighted with the new outlet.

He said: “The task now is to make it the number one coffee stop in Wrexham. We have a really great team and we are doing all training in store.

“We can comfortably seat 70 and are serving a full range of coffees, teas and hot chocolate as well as some soft drinks. And of course we stock all those delicious cakes and snacks too.”

“So far we’ve created seven new jobs and I’m looking to recruit a couple more to fill part-time positions. Anyone interested should pop into the cafe and ask for me or check out the Costa website.”

Luke added: “Although we are based within the Debenhams store on the ground level, we are independent although we obviously comply with the main store rules.

“We couldn’t be more pleased at how busy we have been since opening for the first time but I think once word gets around that we are here things will really begin to pick up.”

Eagles Meadow manager Kevin Critchley said: “It’s great having another new quality coffee shop open within the centre and means we are adding more choice and more value to what we offer customers and visitors to Eagles Meadow.

“The new Costa outlet looks really bright and welcoming and I wish Luke and his team all the best for the future here in Wrexham.”