Celebrating Keep Wales Tidy Award at Pwllheli

Dwyfor gardening project's open day.

An open day was recently held at the Dwyfor Gardening Project at Canolfan Hamdden Dwyfor to celebrate securing the Green Flag Award.


The Green Flag Award is a UK-wide partnership, delivered in Wales by Keep Wales Tidy with support from Natural Resources Wales. It is judged by an army of green space experts, who volunteer their time to visit applicant sites and assess them against eight strict criteria’s, including horticultural standards, cleanliness, sustainability and community involvement.


Activities in the open day included a bouncing castle, face painting, Tai Chi with ASDA Pwllheli providing the refreshments. During the morning the gardening project was handed with the Green Flag by Alaw Ceris form Keep Wales Tidy.

Councillor Mair Rowlands, Cabinet Member for Gwynedd Council said: “We’re very proud that the Dwyfor Gardening Project has received the Green Flag Award, we’d like to thank everybody that came along to the open day to help celebrate.”

Terry Williams the Exercise Referral Professional at Canolfan Hamdden Dwyfor, said: “We are delighted to be given the Green Flag Award here at Dwyfor Gardening Project and I would like to thank everyone who turned up to the open day to celebrate the success.

“I would also like to thank Keep Wales Tidy for their support, ASDA Pwllheli for providing the refreshments during the morning and most of all the volunteers who have put their time and effort into making this project a success.”

For more information about the Dwyfor gardening project, or if anyone would like to take part, they should contact Terry Williams at Dwyfor Leisure Centre, Pwllheli by phoning 01758 613437.