Cheers! Wrexham care home residents raise a glass of their own beer in their pop-up pub

Pendine Park beers Pobli Bobli and Pobli Wobli availabe at the pop-up-pub at Gwern Alyn. Bill Evans tries the custom made drink.

A care organisation has come up with its own unique brews so residents can enjoy a tipple at their own pop-up pub.

Wrexham-based Pendine Park commissioned Bragdy Dinbych, a micro-brewery, in Denbigh, to create two special beers, called Pobli Bobli and Pobli Wobli.

The pop-up pub, the Pendine Arms, means residents can enjoy a pint or whatever they fancy without having to leave the care home.

They can even get dolled up before going for a drink – because there’s also a pop up hair and beauty salon.

Pendine Park beers Pobli Bobli and Pobli Wobli availabe at the pop-up-pub at Gwern Alyn. Bill Evans tries the custom made drink.

The idea is to create a pub atmosphere where the residents can have a good time.

As well as having a drink, they can play dominoes, cards, bingo or even enjoy a pub quiz or some dancing.

Bragdy Dinbych was commissioned to create the two new beers by the Pendine Arts and Community Trust.

According to Pendine Park proprietor Mario Kreft MBE, they wanted to give residents the opportunity to enjoy a drink or two in moderation.

He said: “The pop -up pub is ideal for residents who can’t get out.  It helps brings some residents to recall memories of visiting pubs in their younger days and we find many residents gain a great deal from the experience.

“We support a Denbigh-based micro-brewery, Bragdy Dinbych, through our Pendine Arts and Community Trust and thought the brewing of two beers, of different strengths, would be a really good project.

“We have Pobli Bobli which is 3.6 abv (alcohol by volume) and Pobli Wobli which is 4.3 abv.

“The Pobli Bobli is a light ale with bright summer notes, based on a recipe developed for the National Eisteddfod when it came to Denbigh in 2013 while the Pobli Bobli is a darker, more traditional bitter with malty overtones.

“They are both really pleasant and I’m sure our residents who are able to enjoy a tipple will enjoy the occasional bottle.

“And, while we can’t permit our hard working staff to drink alcohol at work we have given all 800 of them a bottle so they can enjoy it at home while they relax.

”We’ve also got a new craft lager called Pobli Crefft in the pipeline so watchthis space.”

Among those to pop-in to the Pendine Arms was Wrexham AM Lesley Griffiths, who is also the Welsh Government’s Cabinet Secretary for Energy, Planning and Rural Affairs.

After sampling a glass of Pobli Bobli beer, she said: “What a wonderful idea for staff and residents to have their own beer!

“It’s certainly an unusual but innovative idea. I know how much residents enjoy the atmosphere of the pop-up pub used in several Pendine Park homes and why not?

“Living in a care home doesn’t mean your life is over, I’m sure residents will enjoy the opportunity to have a small glass of beer, especially one brewed especially with them in mind and staff will, I’m sure, enjoy a tipple at home.”

It was a sentiment endorsed by enrichment and activities co-ordinator, Christine Lewis, who recently won a gold award for her work at the social care Oscars, the Wales Care Awards..

She said: “It’s all about enriching and improving the quality of life for our residents. The world is a better place if you can have a good time and a good laugh.

“As well as the Pobli Bobli and Pobli Wobli beer, we also serve Pims, soft drinks, cocktails and mock-tails, which are non-alcoholic cocktails.

“It’s about jogging memories and allowing people the chance to have some quality time with their families and other residents.

“And it certainly seems to work. One gentleman who rarely gets involved with activities came in and his face literally lit up. He even danced, enjoyed a pint of beer and was chatting and telling jokes.”