Coronation Street, Emmerdale and Eastenders – the latest


Coronation Street and Emmerdale are beating Eastenders hands down in the ratings and rightly so.

But, Eastenders are fighting back with the return from the dead of the tried and trusted villain, Nasty Nick Cotton, played by John Altman.

The problem with this soap is there are too many miserable characters and not enough lighter moments.

Linda Carter, played by the wonderful Kellie Bright,  is going through hell at the moment after the rape by Dean, and may be about to get ten times worse as she suspects she is pregnant with his child.

You just know that this is all building up for a showdown between Mick and Dean at Christmas.

Coronation Street is also about to see the return of an old character too, Jenny Bradley, played by Sally Ann Matthews, who has not been seen in Weatherfield for the last 21 years!

She is set to return as a love interest for Kevin Webster, after they meet on an online dating service.

He arranges a date with a mystery woman, and is shocked when Jenny turns up. But how will her foster mum Rita react when she finds out, as things ended very badly for the pair when she left all those years ago?

Meanwhile, finally, Rob has been revealed as Tina’s killer, and promptly goes on the run. Peter returns to the Street and hopes to get back with his wife Carla, God loves a trier! I’m sure this storyline still has many twists and turns before we get a conclusion, but in all honesty it’s dragged on way too long.

And continuing with the theme of the return of old characters, Emmerdale, have brought back Robert Sugden, albeit with a new head, as he’s now played by Ryan Hawley.

But this time, it’s not just Andy who hates him, so does his prospective father-in-law Lawrence, and he’s determined that his daughter is not going to marry Robert, so wants to team up with Andy and Katie and bring about his downfall.

Also, newlywed Laurel is finding married life hard work and things are about to get a whole lot worse as she is done for drink driving.

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