Debut drama set to storm Wales


A NEW drama from one of Wales’ hottest young playwrights is set to take the world of Welsh theatre by storm this Autumn.

Actors Bryn Fôn and Gwenno Hodgkins star in Drych – the first stage production from 22 year old Llyr Titus – is an intense and humorous reflection of a desperate journey to understand man’s existence.

Produced by Anglesey’s Cwmni’r Frân Wen, this gritty drama will be touring Welsh theatres throughout September and October.

Drych is, according to Fran Wen’s Ffion Haf, who will direct the play, about “the journey of two people who yearn to understand more about their existence.”

Llyr, from Sarn near Pwllheli, was part of Frân Wen’s young writers project which is run annually by the theatre company.

Debut stage play from Llyr Titus

“Llyr worked with iconic author Aled Jones-Williams as part of Sgript i Lwyfan (Script to Stage) which recognises and mentors young playwrights. The reaction to his work was such we had to find a way of developing it further so we commissioned a full stage production,” said Ffion.

“It’s essential that we give young voices the stage that their work deserves because they are the future of theatre.”

Llyr, who is currently studying an MA in Welsh at Bangor University, said: “Being able to work with Aled Jones-Williams was exceptional. It was such a rewarding experience, not only being able to discuss ideas with someone as experienced, but also to have the time and encouragement to write.”

“The inspiration from Drych came from a strange place – the dialogue came first not the idea, the ideas and broader themes only came after playing with the dialogue, everything grew from these conversations.”

“It’s a story about two characters talking in a place, and, as so often happens, things crop up that are both pleasant and unpleasant!”

Drych will open in Neuadd Dwyfor, Pwllheli on 15 September 2015 before touring throughout Wales.

*For tickets and further information