Eisteddfod set for carnival extravaganza

Catch the Sbectol Haul carnival extravaganza on Thursday and Friday at the National Eisteddfod.

A motley crew of characters are set to invade this year’s National Eisteddfod with a wild carnival procession to celebrate the contribution of young people.

The Sbectol Haul (sunglasses) extravaganza, which takes place on Thursday, August 10 and Friday, August 11, starts off at Maes B before parading through to the main Eisteddfod maes at Bodedern, Anglesey.

Catch the Sbectol Haul carnival extravaganza on Thursday and Friday at the National Eisteddfod.
The young cast, who are members of Frân Wen’s participatory theatre programme, will explore the role young Welsh people have to play in today’s society and where do they sit as citizens of the world.
“We established Sbectol Haul so that we could celebrate our diverse range of opinions, sexuality and political expressions,” said Nia Haf who is a member of Sbectol Haul.
“We view the world through sunglasses but not to be blinded by all the suffering in the world, but rather to look for positive and peaceful solutions.”
“The event coincides with the 20th anniversary of Maes B, the Eisteddfod’s dedicated music area, so it’s great that we can start the procession there before weaving our way through the main Eisteddfod field – it’ll be an eye-catching and ear-tickling theatrical adventure that’s sure to capture the attention,” added Nia.
Musician Gruff Ab Arwel and film-maker Yannick Hammer have been working with the cast to create a song and video, and the illustrator Mathew Williams has created individual characters of each cast member.
From honing their circus skills with circus company Syrcas Cimera to dancing with choreographer Cêt Haf, the young people have tasted a wide range of experiences during rehearsals.
“They have worked with professional artists over 6 weeks to create a new original performance that combines music, theatre and art,” said Mari Morgan, Frân Wen’s Creative Innovation Mentor, who is responsible for co-ordinating the performance.
She added: “The young team has shown boundless maturity in every aspect of their work – from dealing with very sensitive issues to devising and creating a performance that’s sure to capture the imagination. Sbectol Haul promises to be a real extravaganza!”
Thursday, August  10, 2017: 4.30pm at Maes B and finishing on the Eisteddfod maes at 5.30pm
Friday, August 11, 2017: 3.30pm at Maes B and finishing on the Eisteddfod maes at 4.30pm