Encouraging children to wear helmets whilst cycling to school

Competition winner, Gwenno Medi Jones with her design.

Gwynedd Council’s Road Safety Unit recently held a competition with pupils from Ysgol Y Gorlan, Tremadog to encourage them to wear their helmets when they were cycling to and from school.


Shirley Williams, from Gwynedd Council’s Road Safety Unit, said: “A number of posters were presented to the competition, and it was a very difficult task to choose. After careful consideration, the judges decided that the winner of the competition was Gwenno Medi Jones.”

Gwenno was presented with a bag full of road safety items, a medal and a certificate. Every pupil that participated also received a torch in the hope that they would use it over the winter as an additional measure to keep themselves safe.

Councillor Dafydd Meurig, Gwynedd Council Cabinet Member for Road Safety added: “
It’s important that we make sure that children are fully aware of accidents that might happened would they be cycling without a helmet. Encouraging children to wear a helmet and doing so in a way which ties the aspect of safety in with the a fun activity such as making a poster, is a fantastic way to make them far more aware of the possible dangerous.”

The winning poster
will be distributed to all the children’s parents along with the “Protect Your Head!” information leaflet.