Exciting developments at Bangor Swimming Pool

Exciting developments at Bangor Swimming Pool
Exciting developments at Bangor Swimming Pool

Extensive developments and improvements have recently been announced for Bangor Swimming Pool.

Gwynedd Council has designated capital investment of £850,000 to improve the facility which includes new additional provisions within the facility as well as general and essential repair and maintenance.

In order to complete the much needed improvements to the facility, Bangor Swimming Pool will be closed from Wednesday, February 18,  2015 until the summer.

The development will include:

  • an extension to the current fitness room to overlook the pool area in order to accommodate additional cardiovascular and other fitness equipment
  •  installing a small studio space to hold fitness session and spin classes
  • modernising the reception area with an open-plan design and a new seated relaxation area for customers
  • external upgrades such as painting, new signs and modern tinted glazing.
Councillor Mair Rowlandss - New Exciting developments at Bangor Swimming Pool
Councillor Mair Rowlands – New Exciting developments at Bangor Swimming Pool

Councillor Mair Rowlands, Gwynedd Council’s Leisure Cabinet Member said: “The new developments at Bangor Swimming Pool are very exciting, and are essential to ensure the future of the facility for years to come. I’m certain the new developments including new fitness equipment and the installation of a small studio will greatly improve the service provided and the activities on offer at the centre.

“As a Council we wish to apologise for any inconvenience caused by the closing of the facility for the coming months in order to carry out the essential building works. We would encourage users of Bangor Swimming Pool to use the facilities available at other Gwynedd Council run leisure centres in the surrounding area until the centre re-opens during the summer months.

“Customers can keep up with the progress of the developments at the centre on Gwynedd Council’s website, Facebook and Twitter pages.”

Direct Debit customers, who pay a monthly fee to use the facilities at Bangor Swimming Pool, can choose one of the three following options whilst work is carried out at the centre:

  1. Continue paying and utilize other local Gwynedd Council run leisure centres, such as Plas Ffrancon Leisure Centre in Bethesda and the Arfon Leisure Centre in Caernarfon. These facilities have a full and comprehensive fitness programme as well as a swimming pool at the Arfon Leisure Centre.
  2. Freeze direct debit payments until the facilities at Bangor Swimming Pool have re-opened.
  3. Cancel direct debit payments completely.

If customers wish to choose options two or three, please contact the Council’s Leisure Department by sending an e-mail to BywYnIach@gwynedd.gov.uk or phone 01766 771000.

Bangor Swimming Pool is expected to re-open during the summer.

For more information about other Gwynedd Council run Leisure Centres, go to www.gwynedd.gov.uk/leisure