A fair chance in the local housing market for Gwynedd residents

Councillor Ioan Thomas.

If you are unable to buy a house in the open market, then the Tai Teg scheme could help you find a suitable and affordable home.

Gwynedd Council is supporting the home ownership scheme where residents who are interested in home ownership, but are currently unable to buy on the open market, register their interests to receive help and support to do so.

The Tai Teg scheme – which is operational in Gwynedd and Anglesey – has two main aims:

  • to build up a better picture of the need for affordable homes within different communities and what sort of housing is available, so that authorities can plan for the future;
  • to let people who have registered with the scheme know about affordable homes available in their communities to buy or to rent.

Councillor Ioan Thomas, Gwynedd Council’s Cabinet Member with a responsibility for housing said: “The aim of the Tai Teg home ownership initiative is to help local people who need affordable and suitable accommodation. In the current challenging financial climate it’s extremely important that this scheme, supported by Gwynedd Council, can provide help and support to residents to buy a house and enable them to stay in the local area.

“I would encourage anyone who finds it hard to gather a deposit to buy a house on the current housing market to register their interest with Tai Teg as soon as possible.”

Registering your details is quick and simple process that will enable you to receive information about the latest developments and grant option in Gwynedd and Anglesey.

For more information about the Tai Teg scheme, please visit the website www.taiteg.org.uk