Fashionistas come out in force for hospice

Fashionistas - Angela Jones and Mel Jones organised a fashion show at the Guild Hall Tavern in Denbigh to raise money for St Kentigern's Hospice. Pictured: Organiser Angela Jones, supporters Carol Jones, Joanne Sillett and Organiser Mel Jones ready for the show

Fashionistas – A new women’s boutique turned on the style in aid of a hospice – with two volunteer models with personal reasons for wanting to help.

The recently-opened Melange shop on the High Street in Denbigh, organised a fashion show to raise money for St Kentigern Hospice in St Asaph.

Fashionistas - Angela Jones and Mel Jones organised a fashion show at the Guild Hall Tavern in Denbigh to raise money for St Kentigern's Hospice. Pictured: Organiser Angela Jones, supporters Carol Jones, Joanne Sillett and Organiser Mel Jones ready for the show
Fashionistas – Angela Jones and Mel Jones organised a fashion show at the Guild Hall Tavern in Denbigh to raise money for St Kentigern’s Hospice. Pictured: Organiser Angela Jones, supporters Carol Jones, Joanne Sillett and Organiser Mel Jones ready for the show

The glittering event at the Guildhall Tavern was organised by the two local businesswoman, Angela Jones, managing director of Elwy Lettings on Vale Street, and Mel Jones, the owner of the Pure beauty salon across the road, who teamed up to establish Melange.

Among the models who took part were housewife Carol Jones, 44, of Trefnant, and freelance accountant, Joanne Sillett, 32, of Denbigh who both had close relatives who received palliative care at the hospice before passing away.

With the help of local businesses like Denbigh Chocolate Shop, Radhuni Indian Restaurant and the Guild Hall Tavern contributing raffle prizes, the event raised £500 for St Kentigern.

According to Carol, her daughter saw an advert on facebook looking for models for the Melange fashion show event, and as it was raising money for St Kentigern Hospice she had no hesitation in volunteering.

She said: “I lost my mum, Margaret Rose Davies, 15 years ago in Denbigh Infirmary and my dad, Richard Alfred Davies, three years ago when he was a patient at St Kentigern.

“It’s such a wonderful place and, as a family, we do everything we can to raise funds for them. The work they do is just incredible and the care they gave dad was just amazing.

“I cannot thank them enough which is why I put my name forward to model on the catwalk for Melange – even though I’m shaking with nerves.”

Joanne added: “I’m a regular customer of Mel’s at Pure Hair and Beauty and she told me about the fashion show and the fact they were raising funds for St Kentigern Hospice. As soon as I knew that I put my name forward.

“My partner’s mum, Hilary Jones, passed away at the hospice eight years ago. The staff were fantastic and it’s just such an amazing place and very close to my heart. I have always tried to help raise funds for them.

“I’ve never modelled before and just thinking about walking out onto a catwalk if front of loads of people fills me with dread. However, if we raise a good amount of money for St Kentigern Hospice it will be worth it.”

Mum-of-two Angela explained: “We decided to put on a fashion show and invite people to see the sort of designs we have on offer. In organising the event we wanted to raise some money for St Kentigern Hospice.

“I think everyone in Denbigh and the surrounding area knows someone who has been helped by the hospice and its wonderful staff. We just hoped we could raise a good amount of cash.

“We have to thank local firms such as The Chocolate Shop, Radhuni Indian Restaurant and the Guild Hall Tavern who donated raffle prizes to help us raise some extra money.

“We decided against charging for tickets to the show and instead just invited donations. It’s been an amazing night and our models did a wonderful job.”

Business partner Mel was also pleased they used their launch fashion show event to raise money for the hospice.

She said: “It’s a charity we both feel very strongly about and I know it means a great deal to a lot of Denbigh people.

“I think the fact some of our ladies have come along and volunteered to model tonight purely as we are raising funds for the hospice shows just how important it is to so many people.

“I’m sure Melange is going to be a big hit and become an established Denbigh business. There is a real gap in the market.”


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Angela Jones and Mel Jones organised a fashion show at the Guild Hall Tavern in Denbigh to raise money for St Kentigern’s Hospice. Pictured: Organiser Angela Jones, supporters Carol Jones, Joanne Sillett and Organiser Mel Jones ready for the show