First Minister drops in for a cuppa and chat at Wrexham care home

First Minister Carwyn Jones was in Wrexham with Lesley Griffiths and visited Gwernalyn to meet residents. Lesley Griffiths and Carwyn Jones meet Mair Jones.

The First Minster of Wales dropped into a Wrexham care home and joined residents for afternoon tea.

Carwyn Jones was accompanied by Labour’s Assembly candidate for Wrexham Lesley Griffiths during his visit to Gwern Alyn Care Home which is part of the Pendine Park care organisation.

Mr Jones said: “It’s been a fabulous visit to what is clearly as wonderfully run care home. I have had the pleasure of meeting some lovely people and discussing with them some of the issues we face in Wales.”

Lesley Griffiths, who is also the Minister for Communities and Tackling Poverty, added: “It was a pleasure accompanying the First Minister of Wales for his visit to Gwern Alyn Care Home and introducing him to so many residents.

“I have always supported Pendine Park care organisation and always enjoy my visits to their care homes and meeting residents and staff.”

Among those who met Mr Jones and was resident, Harold Roden, 90, a former railway maintenance worker who worked at John Summers Steel Works in Shotton.

He said: “It was a real pleasure meeting Mr Jones. It’s not often you meet a politician who is prepared to talk about anything so openly and give you straight answers.

“We chatted about the steel works and the railways and I told him what I thought. At least he was prepared to listen. It was nice to see Lesley Griffiths too.”

Mr Roden, who has been a resident of Gwern Alyn for seven years, added: “It was a lovely afternoon. I enjoy living here at Gwern Alyn. All the staff are wonderful and I have good friends here.”

Married residents, Wilfred and Anne Jones were pleased to see someone like the First Minister of Wales visiting their care home.

Wilfred, 88, who worked at Shotton Steel Works on the blast furnaces, said: “It’s nice to see people like that coming in and visiting. We spoke a little about the steel works but I was keen to tell him about my art work.

“I’m a good artist and I explained how I won a big competition some years ago. He was very interested and listened very carefully.”

Anne Jones, who will celebrate her 80th birthday in September, said: “We lived in Wrexham and Johnstown before we became residents here about seven years ago.

“We like it here a lot, but like everyone else we would prefer to live in our own home but that isn’t possible. It’s nice to have important visitors like the First Minister of Wales.”

The home’s manager, Jen Roberts, was honoured to welcome the First Minister and introduce him to residents.

She said: “The residents were really excited he took the time to visit and chat with them about a range of issues.

“Our residents may be elderly but they are still very active and want to play their part in society. They take their social responsibilities very seriously and many wanted to discuss some important political issues and topics with the First Minister.

“They take a great deal of interest in what is happening locally, nationally and in the wider world. Almost every resident votes in elections, some have postal votes but many insist on casting their vote in the voting booths.”

She added: “I was also delighted to welcome Lesley Griffiths to Gwern Alyn. Lesley has always been a huge supporter of Gwern Alyn Care home and Pendine Park in general.”