Fond farewell for Jenny after 25 years of dedicated service

Pendine Park's Jennifer Jones retires after 25 years and celebrates with her colleagues Ann Edwards, Rowena Roberts, Helen Watts, Janet Clayton and Cindy Clutton


The deputy manager of a Wrexham care home deputy manager has hung up her apron for the last time after a quarter of a century of dedicated service.

Jenny Jones, 62, joined the Pendine Park care organisation in 1990 and has spent most of her service at their Hillbury House care home.

According to Jenny, it was the right time to retire even though she was going to miss her wonderful work colleagues and the residents she thinks of as friends.

She said: “I am going to miss working at Hillbury House the team I have had the pleasure of working with is amazing.

“Everyone puts 100 per cent into everything they do. It always made my job as a team leader and deputy manager much easier.

“All the staff at Hillbury House are so supportive. Dementia care is very demanding but I have grown very fond of so many residents. I count them as real friends and will miss them so much.”

Born in Llay, Jenny, who has a daughter, Zoe, 40, who lives in Coedpoeth and a son, Justin, 44, who lives in Florida in the USA, says she started working in care after having her family.

She said: “My initial plan was to train as a nurse. But, having had my family I just moved into care work as opposed to nursing, it was just a natural progression. Right from when I first started at Pendine Park it was always hard work but a lot of fun.

“The demands of working in the care industry will always mean hard work but we always made sure residents enjoyed life and treated Hillbury House as their home and not as just another residential care home.

“Pendine Park’s unique enrichment programme, centred around the arts and music, has played a big part in helping residents and staff and I believe is so important to the welfare of the people we care for.”

Jenny added: “I have three grandchildren, Zoe has a son who is three and Justin, two boys who are 10 and eight. I want to spend more time with my family and grandchildren.

“It is sad to be leaving a team that is one of the best. The staff I have worked with are the very best and the care they give really is second to none. I’m going to miss it dreadfully but it really is time to retire.”

Hillbury House manager Cindy Clutton, says Jenny has been a dedicated deputy manager and someone she will miss a great deal.

She said: “Jenny is loyal, committed and has a wonderful way with both residents and relatives. She has also been a superb mentor and team leader and will be sorely missed by everyone at Hillbury House and in particular, by me.

“Jenny has always been there supporting everyone whether it’s a resident, relative or member of staff. She always has a ready smile on her face and I know all our residents are going to miss her terribly. She really will be missed.”

Pendine Park proprietor Mario Kreft MBE wished Jenny well and admitted she will be difficult to replace.

He said: “Jenny has given Pendine Park 25 years of exemplary service and we wish her well and hope she has a long and enjoyable retirement.

“Jenny always gave 100 per cent to everything she did at Hillbury House and I know everyone – including staff, residents and relatives – is going to miss her.

“It is always difficult when we lose someone of Jenny’s experience to retirement but she leaves a legacy of hard work and dedication and her family’s gain really is our loss.”