Free Wi-Fi for Colwyn Bay beach

Cllr Mike Priestley, Cabinet Member for Communications checks the Wifi on Colwyn Bay waterfront.

Free Wi-Fi is being made available on part of Colwyn Bay beach and promenade in a three-year pilot project by Conwy County Borough Council.

Cllr Mike Priestley, Cabinet Member for Communications checks the Wifi on Colwyn Bay waterfront.
Cllr Mike Priestley, Cabinet Member for Communications checks the Wifi on Colwyn Bay waterfront.

The Council is providing free WiFi for people to access the internet with their mobile devices like laptops and phones on the beach and promenade, from Porth Eirias to the Pier.

The free WiFi zone is identified by signs on lampposts.

Cllr Mike Priestley, Conwy’s Cabinet Member for Communication said, “We recognise that having access to information quickly is increasingly important, with benefits for both users and businesses. There’s already free public access WiFi available in Council offices, and now having this service available on the beach and promenade is another great facility for Colwyn Bay waterfront.”

“We believe Conwy is the first Council in North Wales to provide free WiFi in an outdoor location like this.  Residents and visitors logging-on to the free WiFi will be able to find out what’s going on in Colwyn Bay; be able to explore local businesses and services; and see information about events and activities across the County.”

There will be some restrictions in place: types of sites and content that can be accessed; the times of access and, to make sure that as many people as possible are able to make use of the service, there may be limits on the bandwidth speeds for users.