Glittering gala event in aid of Hope House Children’s Hospice

Eagles Meadow Shopping Centre, Wrexham. Debenham's store.Summer Beauty Evening in aid of Hope House. Sarah Mayers Hope House Retail administrator (in pink ) with Faye Griffiths cosmetics department manager at Debenhams (left) and members of the beauty counters staff, Georgina Williams, Sophie Edge, Charlotte Ford, Gwyneth Roberts, Jessica Pardoe,Monika Frackowiak, Jade Becker and Cathryn Owen.


A department store in Wrexham is putting the finishing touches to plans for a glittering gala event in aid of a children’s hospice.

Over the past few years, Debenhams at the Eagles Meadow shopping centre has raised hundreds of pounds for Hope House by hosting a hugely popular series of special evenings.

On Thursday, June 4, the team in Debenhams’ cosmetics department is staging its Summer Beauty Evening featuring a packed programme of free make-overs, beauty product demonstrations and special offers and samples plus a giant prize raffle.

Cosmetics manager Faye Griffiths said: “We’ve played host to a number of these special events at the store in the past couple of years and they’re always a big hit with customers.

“They also raise lots of money for Hope House Hospice, which is a fantastic place and does such amazing work with the people it cares for.

“I’m delighted to say we’ve been able to contribute many hundreds of pounds to the hospice since we started the events and I’m sure our customers will be as generous as usual this time.”

Faye said a highlight of the June 4 evening would be free make-overs from beauty experts on the Estee Lauder, Benefit, Clinique, Clarins, Elizabeth Arden and Urban Decay stands in the department.

“A novel feature will be that we’ll blow a whistle every 20 minutes to indicate when it’s time for groups of ladies to move from one demonstration area to the next,” she explained.

“We’ll be showing what kind of products are available and how to apply make-up, serums, toners and cleansers in the best possible way.

“Our team of experts will also be able to offer helpful advice and tips on any problems ladies may be experiencing with their beauty regime.

“Another aspect of these special evenings which always goes down very well with our customers is the free samples of products we have on offer, such as the latest must-have fragrances from Roberto Cavalli for the girls and Prada for the guys.

“As well as the samples we’ll also be offering 10 per cent off beauty lines and fragrance on the night.”

Faye added: “Another big hit with our Hope House events is the raffle, which is going to have some very worthwhile prizes donated specially for the occasion by some of the big perfume houses.

“A number of the other shops at Eagles Meadow will also be kindly making some valuable contributions to our prize fund, so it’ll be well worth buying some raffle tickets.

“The whole thing starts at 4pm and will go on until the store closes at 8pm.

“Tickets cost £5 and are redeemable against any beauty or fragrance purchase on the night.

“We’re basing the evening on Hope House Hospice’s famous Business Challenge in which companies are invited to borrow a £50 ‘stake’ and grow it into a sizeable donation, so hopefully we’ll be able to beat our previous fundraising records and collect a really significant amount for this fantastic cause.”

Rachel Jones, fundraiser from Hope House, said: “Hope House Children’s Hospices are delighted to once again have the support of Debenhams at Eagles Meadow in Wrexham for their gala evening.

“As a local charity we rely very heavily on the support of our local communities to keep our services running.

“The store has signed up to our Business Challenge and so has received £50 investment from Hope House to see how far they can make it grow.

“We know that a lot of planning has gone into the event and look forward to seeing what they can generate for the hospice.

“It looks like it will be a great night with lots on offer and some fabulous prizes.

“We would like to express our sincerest thanks to the staff for choosing to support Hope House and wish them all the best for the evening.”

Hope House Children’s Hospices provide specialist nursing care in addition to practical and emotional support to life threatened and life limited babies, children and young people in your local area.

Bereavement and counselling support is offered to families who use the hospices, families who have lost a child in whatever circumstances and to all children and young adults who have lost someone close to them unexpectedly.

It costs more than £4.6 million a year to maintain all the services we offer of which just 17 per cent come from statutory bodies.