Shoppers thrilled by Greased Lightning in Wrexham

Greased Lightning in Wrexham
Greased Lightning in Wrexham

Greased Lightning in Wrexham

Shoppers were treated to an off the cuff performance of the hit musical Grease.

Students from Glyndwr University put on a flash mob performance of some of the show’s most popular songs at the Eagles Meadow shopping centre in Wrexham.

Greased Lightning in Wrexham
Greased Lightning in Wrexham

They were there to publicise the three-day run of the show at the Catrin Finch Centre on the university campus on December 16, 17 and 18.

The cast is made up of students studying theatre, television, and performance.

Elen Mai Nefydd, the lecturer in charge of the production, was delighted the students were invited to perform a few of their numbers in front of surprised shoppers at Eagles Meadow.

She said: “Preparation for the show is going well. We’ve had a lot of success with musical theatre productions over the last few years and that’s something we want to continue, so doing Grease was very natural. Last year we did Little Shop of Horrors which sold out. People have seen we do deliver.

“We have a very big cast and make sure every one of our students on the course plays a part. The show involves choreography, acting and music.

“I’m a big fan of Grease and I used to watch the film on VHS all the time, so it’s been great, as a director, to look into it in a theatrical way and to create some of the iconic scenes.”

She added: “Performing here at Eagles Meadow has offered a chance to really connect with a great many of the town’s residents and show them what we are all about.

“I know the students have thoroughly enjoyed the evening and clearly the audience has enjoyed what they witnessed.”

According to production team member Elyse Hansbury, 20, performing at Eagles Meadow offered a golden opportunity to really promote the show to a wider audience.

She said: “It’s a big help because, although we’ve been putting up flyers and advertising the show on Facebook and on the university campus, it also helps to get out so people can see the characters themselves.

“Everyone was in costume too so people got a real flavour of what’s going to be in the show. It’s almost like a try before you buy.

“There are scenes in this show that aren’t in the film, so it’ll be something fresh and new. It’s definitely a must see for all Grease fans.”

Eagles Meadow Shopping Centre manager Kevin Critchley admits to being something of a Grease fan himself.

He said: “The show has some real catchy songs whether it’s Summer Nights, Greased Lightning or Beauty School Dropout. The university plays an important role in the town and, like Eagles Meadow, is at the very heart of the community.

“I’m so pleased we were able to allow the students to perform and give people a taste of what to expect in their show. I’m sure it will be a massive hit.”

Students Gwyneth Megan, 21, and Amy Jones, 20, will share the role of Sandy playing alternate performances.

Gwyneth said: “It’s a brilliant show and despite being a little nervous I’m really excited. Last year we did Little Shop of Horrors and I had a role in that but nothing as big as playing Sandy.”

Amy added “It’s going to be such a good show and everyone has worked so hard during rehearsals. It will be an amazing night out and there are matinee performances over the three days too.”

Simon Walker, 20, is playing Danny Zuko and was very excited by the role.

He said: “The reception we have had here tonight at Eagles Meadow has been amazing and I’m sure everyone has really enjoyed it.”

Wrexham mum Karen Dockett was there with her 10 year-old daughter, Charlize along with Charlize’s friend Lowri Allen, 11.

Karen, of Queen’s Park, said: “Charlize loves dancing and is a street dance champion herself. Both Charlize and Lowri loved the performance and were really excited.

“It’s brilliant coming along to Eagles Meadow and finding something different going on. There has been a really good crowd with lots of people joining in with the songs.”

Charlize said: “It was absolutely amazing, I loved it. I love dancing and singing, it’s what I want to do and I thought the students were brilliant. I’d like to go and see the show.”

[td_video_youtube playlist_title=”Greased Lightning” playlist_yt=”wK63eUyk-iM” playlist_auto_play=”1″]

Lowri added: “I’ve watched Grease a few times on DVD and it’s brilliant. The students looked really good and it’s going to be a great show.”

Grease, with a cast of between 50 and 60 students, will be performed on December 16, 17, and 18, with a matinée show at 1:30pm and an evening show at 7:30pm at the Glyndwr University’s Catrin Finch Centre. For tickets, which are £8 for adults, £6.50 for students and senior citizens, and £5 for under 14s, or further information about the show call 01978 293293.