Green-fingered residents and children spring into action in Llandudno

The Big Buld Plant for Cartrefi Conwy. Hospital Road. Llandudno. Pictured: BR: Kayleigh Jones 9, Dyfan Davies 6, Jessie Jones 11, Violet Sturdy 9,. Kneeling: Shantell Blackall 7, Andrew Bowden (Chief Exec), Matt Stowe and Jack jones 8


Green-fingered residents and their children joined forces to plant thousands of bulbs to brighten up a housing estate.

Their efforts will ensure the Tre Cwm estate in Llandudno should look blooming marvellous when they burst into flower next Spring.

The massive bulb planting session was organised by housing association Cartrefi Conwy who manage the estate.

Tenants were joined by 22 children and young people along with mums and dads from the estate, members of the RGC 1404 Rugby Academy, Cartrefi Conwy office staff, a police community support officer and other community organisations.

As well as a host of golden daffodils, they also planted bluebells, wild garlic, crocuses, scillas and puschkinia, a flower that’s native to the Middle East.

The group’s efforts were rewarded with a hearty stew made by resident Anne Forbes at the Tŷ Llywelyn community centre where she is the voluntary manager.

Tenant Zoe Robertson volunteered for the bulb planting day along with her three children, Carys, 10, Gethin, nine, and Dyfan, six.

Zoe said: “It’s been great fun especially for the kids. It will make the estate look better and brighter and as the kids have all helped they will be proud of it too.

“I really think events like this bring the community together and that’s important. I think it’s fantastic the police, the rugby lads and all the other volunteers have joined in and helped us. It’s brilliant to see.”

Cartrefi Conwy chief executive Andrew Bowden explained the aim was to improve the estate’s environment with a spectacular kaleidoscope of colour when spring arrives.

Mr Bowden said: “This is just the start of a raft of environmental improvements we plan to introduce on the estate. This project follows on from the hugely successful environmental work we have completed on the Parc Peulwys estate in Llysfaen.

“Our motto is building communities to be proud of and this bulb planting project goes some way to achieving that aim here in Llandudno.”

“I’m particularly pleased so many children and young people have turned out to help. It bodes well for the future and hopefully will give these young people a real sense of ownership.”

Cartrefi Conwy environmental development officer Matt Stowe said: “We are planting bulbs all around the Tre Cwm estate and on the banks by the pathways up to Cwm Mountain behind the Tŷ Llywelyn Community Centre.

“This is the first project on the estate that we are aiming directly at young people and I’m delighted 22 young people have turned up to help and get involved.”

“It’s brilliant that people from the community want to see their environment improved and I’m delighted that that’s the case.”

Police Community Support Officer Mike Smith, who patrols the Tre Cwm estate, said: “It’s great to see the community out together and all working so hard. I know we have youngsters from the youth club who have joined in which is fantastic.

“Cartrefi Conwy are doing a brilliant job especially getting those young people involved.”

Former Wales international Rupert Moon, the general manager of the Welsh Rugby Union’s North Wales region, said RGC players were playing a full and active part.

He said: “It’s part of our collaboration with Cartrefi Conwy in supporting local communities.

“It’s important for our young men to get involved and understand the value of developing their own skills and characters. They are helping each other while helping the local community.”

Lock Rendani Ramovha, 25, who arrived in North Wales form South Africa’s Gauteng Province, which is near Johannesburg, is at RGC as part of a six-month exchange programme.

He said: “It’s enriching and helping the local community is as important as helping RGC get promoted. Better people make better players and that’s why it’s important to give to the community.”

Fellow RGC players, Efan Jones, 17, of Wrexham, and Afon Bagshaw, 21, of Colwyn Bay were also doing their bit.

Efan said: “It’s important for us to work alongside Cartrefi Conwy as they are a big sponsor of RGC. I enjoy working with the community and hopefully, making a big difference.”

Afon added: “I’m responsible for community projects at RGC insofar as the players are concerned. Events such as this get players out into the community and involved with what’s going on.”