Green light for £13m housing scheme

Artist's impression of what one of the houses at Dolwen Road, Old Colwyn will look like.

An award-winning house-building firm has hit out after delays to £13 million development that will create 80 new jobs and boost the local economy in Conwy.

Macbryde Homes say there is strong demand for the 76 homes scheme at Dolwen Road, in Old Colwyn, that’s finally been given the green light by Conwy County Borough Council.

Planning permission was granted after the company resubmitted the application to the council – outline planning permission had been granted more than 12 months ago.

The development will comprise a mix of two, three and four bedroom properties.

A spokesman for Macbryde Homes said: “We are obviously delighted to finally gain our reserved matters permission but disappointed in the time it has taken to gain the planning decision.

“We wish to point out that each application submitted has always been in accordance with both the local and national planning policy, hence the continued support of the council’s officers throughout the process.

“We have been deeply frustrated by the delays. It has been unfortunate for us and the council as a whole that such delays have occurred at committee for non-planning reasons – hence our strong belief that  this application would have been successful if we had had to go to appeal.”

According to Macbryde Homes, the 160 people living there will generate an additional £700,000 of spending power a year within the local economy and more than £250,000 in Council Tax revenue over a three year period.

Meanwhile, during the three years of construction, the scheme would pump £2 million into the local economy annually.

Managing director Simon Macbryde said: “The properties at Dolwen Road will introduce new designs that incorporate traditional exteriors with elegant modern interiors that include open plan kitchen and family areas with the latest contemporary kitchens.

“There is a pent up demand for thousands of new homes in Conwy which has been identified in the Local Plan put together by Conwy County Borough Council.

“The Dolwen Road development will provide much needed homes for local families.

“We are aiming to build on the success of our recently completed Victoria Park development in Llandudno Junction where we are very proud of what we achieved.

“You always need to have a good location for a high quality development and we certainly have an excellent location in Dolwen Road.


“The scheme will cater for a range of housing needs, providing two-bedroom town houses through to more traditional family homes, with three and four bedroomed detached properties.


“There have unfortunately been delays in the planning process, but that has not deterred our early birds who’ve placed reservations, such is their commitment and determination to move to Dolwen Road when it’s built.


“The development will also be great news for the local economy as it will generate jobs during the construction phase and the people who  move in, will spend their hard earned incomes within the local economy and therefore help the area to thrive and prosper.”