GreenWood Forest Park is 1st Fully Solar Powered Adventure Park in UK

Stephen Bristow with Alun Ffred Jones at the display unit showing how much electricity is being produced.

Wales’ leading family adventure Park, GreenWood Forest Park is currently completely solar energy efficient.

The Park, situated in Y Felinheli, Gwynedd is well known for being eco-friendly; the majority of its rides and activities require their visitors’ energy to make them work – including their world famous people powered roller-coaster the Green Dragon.


The Park is now home to a 150kw photo voltaic array, which on most days is generating all of the Park’s power needs. On some days they are generating double the amount of electricity they actually need and the surplus is going back into the grid to be used by others.


GreenWood’s Managing Director Stephen Bristow had this to say about the new project: “We are delighted that the Park is now able to generate its own power and has a surplus to export to the grid.  This gives us a very small carbon footprint and leads the way in the leisure industry where theme parks in particular are well known for their huge consumption of energy.  Hopefully other parks will now follow our lead in power generation.”


The solar panels were installed in July and have now been in operation for several weeks, they were officially opened on Friday 18th September.

Visitors to the Park will have the opportunity to look at the solar panels and will be able to see how much energy is being created daily on the display unit.


The Panels were officially opened by one of GreenWood’s closest neighbours Huw Jones, Huw said: “As you know it’s very important to have good neighbours and Steven and Andrea have been thoughtful since day one. I am very pleased to cut the ribbon on this new project.”


The Solar Panel array is part of a joint project which will see GreenWood open a new water ride in spring 2016. The new ride will be the first water ride in the UK to be completely solar powered.