Have your say – improving links between Caernarfon waterfront and town centre

Initial images showing some of the options to improve connections between the Waterfront area and Caernarfon town centre.

Gwynedd Council is eager to hear the views of residents and businesses on possible options worth up to £400,000 to improve linkages on foot and cycling between the Waterfront and town centre area of Caernarfon.

Initial images showing some of the options to improve connections between the Waterfront area and Caernarfon town centre.
Initial images showing some of the options to improve connections between the Waterfront area and Caernarfon town centre.


Two drop-in sessions will be held at the Presbyterian Church at the Maes in the town on 5 and 6 October 5 and 6, from 10am to 8pm where there will be an opportunity for people to view initial ideas to improve traffic linkages. The improvements have been funded via the Welsh Government’s Vibrant and Viable Places fund.


The initial possible ideas to improve connections between the town centre and Caernarfon waterfront area include:

–        Improving the condition of St Helen’s Road;

–        Improving the Caernarfon tunnel roundabout;

–        Developing Castle Hill to improve access for walkers between the Maes and Slate Quay;

–        Improving the National Cycle Route.


Councillor Dafydd Meurig, Gwynedd Council Cabinet Member who leads on transport matters, said: “By working with our partners, we are eager to ensure that Caernarfon builds on its reputation as a vibrant location for the local community and visitors to the area. We are pleased to have secured £400,000 of investment to improve the connections between the town centre and the waterfront area of Caernarfon.


“We would encourage anyone who is interested to come along to the public sessions and take the opportunity to see the initial plans that are being developed.”


Councillor Mandy Williams-Davies, Gwynedd Council Cabinet Member for Economy and Community matters noted: “Caernarfon’s waterfront area has been identified as a location that has potential to contribute towards regenerating the town and the wider local economy. Our aim through this specific scheme is to introduce practical improvements that will strengthen the connection between this area and the centre of the town.”


Two drop-in sessions will be held at Presbyterian Church at the Maes in Caernarfon on 5 and 6 October, from 10am to 8pm where there will be an opportunity for people to view initial ideas to improve traffic connections.